Everyone knows about the Titanic because of the movie, but have you ever heard of the Wilhem Gustloff? The number of lives lost were 6 times greater than the sinking of the Titanic. Check out today’s epic story of hos the Wilhem Gustloff sank to the bottom of the sea, talking almost 9000 people with her.
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There is a law that it's illegal to attack any ship that has hospital ship markings during a time of war it's considered piracy and a war crime and the only reason why the leader of the soviet union ordered the sinking of that ship because he wanted to show that the soviet union does not let war criminals get a way with committing crimes against the people of the soviet union and the sad part was that most of the passengers had done nothing wrong the the people of the soviet union and some of the other passengers were soldiers that just gotten out of the hospital and they couldn't fight back they could have captured the ship but the soviet union didn't want to look weak and they were so angry with the German troops that had killed so many innocent people who were not soldiers and some of the military personnel of the soviet union had lost a lot of family and friends and the only way that Josef Stalin can show that he is the only law in the soviet union and when he ordered a attack on a ship carrying the enemy of his beloved soviet union and the people will have their justice and he will make sure that the German military will pay
Weren't they all Nazis? Is this really any worse than what they were doing to the Jews?
Imagine how sad it is that a man had to shoot his wife & children to save them from a slow & painful death.
The fact that one drunk man killed thousands of civilians
Interesting video, but the "plimp plomp plimp plomp" soundtrack was obnoxious.
I’ve never heard about this. This is heart breaking.
The Wilhem Gustloff was a Military ship belongs to the Navy, not at that time a civilian ship. It's a movie over what happend that you can watch. RIP to all that lost their life
Had it been left up to me the crew of the S-13 would have been literally crucified
i love your vids
About this ship I've been watching on YouTube ! It is very sad unbelievable sad ! All of those people gone for ever ! .
Is it just me or is the music in the background really annoying? It just got more and more irritating as the video went on
So the lesson here is those in the Russian military have always been a collection of heartless, spineless criminals, whether in 1945 or 2022.
It’s not known about because it would possibly paint a different picture to the masses of the war. They like to hide the truth.
Communists committing war crimes as usual
Weren't these guys on the c-13 charge for war crimes after the war
The narrator has never seen a period
He wanted the medal hero of the USSR for that. Sorry even if he didn’t know that there where only civilians on board, he thought he had done a great job…
My great-grandmother had already packed everything to get on board with my grandma and her brother, but cancelled it the day before because she got a sudden feeling of dread. If she didn't, likely nobody of my family would exist today. Fate can be weird sometimes.
Do you like about too much about Russia You literally lie
Soviet Hospital Ship Armenia 7,000 death and 8 survivors. Just a joke.
Russian forces were extremely brutal. They were treated bad by the Germans and they never forgot.
Also a hidden disaster is the sinking in Lubeck Bay of ships Kap Arkona,Thielbeck and Deutschland.Not official report says between 7 000 thousand to 9 000 concentration camp Prisonners died on May the 3rd 1945 when the 3 boats were sunked by the R.A.F…
I really wish people would pay more attention to wrecks like this and the Lusitania or other ships and not just the Titanic, like we get it. HA HA BIG SHIP HIT ICEBERG SINK. Thats pretty much all there is to it. I personally think the titanic is one of the most boring shipwrecks to ever happen, and wrecks like this are much more interesting and much more worth learning about.