A China Eastern Airlines plane with 132 people on board crashed in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Monday. A black box of the crashed plane has been recovered, rescuers at the site said on Wednesday. Join CGTN to get you up to speed.
my condolences
My thoughts are with the poor people who have been killed and their families
I hope they will make good the jungle / mountain after recovery work. Otherwise there will be problems with landslide, environmental damage, lost of habitat for wild life.
If you dont obey. You will be punished.
– not a rescue but a recovery.
The laws of nature, man and the beast and every little thing that creepeth the earth. KJV 1611. Preserved.
salute to the Chinese rescuers and volunteers..They are working so hard for this, So sad this plane crash happened again in the year 2022. Condolences to those people on board..May they RIP
Another Boeing again, how many people must die. The Boeing 737 max is built by clowns. Worst is that it now operate world wide now
BEWARE…!!! This mishap could be engineered by CIA Covert Operation All Boeing airplanes should be grounded for nasional Security concern and should be thoroughly investigated
Do not give the Blackbox to western authorities, it will never be seen again!!
737 is a model of one that has many crashed plane.