This deer had fallen into a pit filled with water. दोनो अंकल ने मिलकर इसकी जान बचाई ।🥺🙏🏼🙏🏼
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Tapen esos huecos..
This guy in the video👎👎👎👎 ego right there
Thank you so much brother God bless you 🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏😊
GRACIAS angelitos heroicos.
Porque no tapan ese pozo 😡😡😡
Молодцы… 👍❤️
Спасибо вам за спасение животных 🙏😢вы герои
Thank very much
고맙습니다.. 생명의 소중함을 존중하는 당신들에게 행운이 있길 바랄께요
모두들 건강하고 행복하세요 💕 💜
Deberían ser tapados esos huecos….los que se pueda
Terima kasih buat org baik yg sudah menyelamatkan hewan itu ..
พวกคุณ ยอดเยี่ยมมาก
Parabéns pra vcs todos
Thank you for saving this precious gift from God ❤️
молоці 👍👍👍😇
Buen trabajo
Thank you 💗 for getting that deer out of the pit
Mil. Bendiciones 🙏🙏 🙏 por siempre y mil gracias por esistir personas como usted que belleza de jente ojalá los imitaran
Good work
I am very happy 👌👌👌
Thank you for the rescue. Who has made the ditch? Hunan being?
Obrigado amigo por salvá mais está vida
Tq all of you pls close that
I some way I hoped the animal sAid thank you I do too ❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊