Monsters crawling through the parking lot, bizarre creatures tearing forest rangers apart, today’s episode is filled with nightmares and violence on the job! Enjoy these 5 DISTURBING Work Stories from Tales from the Break Room
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SCARY STORY TIMESTAMPS (Ads may throw off the time)
0:00 Intro
3:40 It Watches Me Through the Cameras from K. C. Andrew
17:26 Bizarre Creature on the Way to Work from Anonymous Ranger
32:58 Craigslist Job Gone Wrong from BoonDoc
49:56 I Needed to Call my Mom from Kelsi D.
53:26 Youth Shelter Haunting from CricketGirl20
Story Music by Dark Music (me)!
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Many years ago in the late 1970s, i got a job during the summer holiday break from my university
Degree course.
I worked in a Lab in a factory that made paper/board cartons for a myriad of products.
My job was to go into the massive warehouse, find the right board
( like cardboard) for the next upcoming print job
Take random samples to take back to the lab & do a barrage of tests on the raw material.
Anyway this was my 1st years Summer break in this job.
I went to the warehouse & retríeved all the job numbers
Board samples but found my last one was quite high up on a huge wide shelf.
I looked everywhere for the forklift truck guy but no one was about.
I stacked up some boxes to see if i could get the pack of boards close to the edge.
However i was just too short to reach it.
I got a little angry & shouted at the pack & yelled out
" C' here NOW"
I was dumbstruck when the package flew to the edge & stopped short with about 2 inches over the edge of the shelf!
I tried to see if anyone was up there & had pushed it.
Couldn't see anyone
So i got down from my boxes & walked around to the next aisle
Expecting to see someone there on a ladder with a push rod
No one!
I was only 18yrs & didnt think much about it, spooked abit but gathered my samples &forgot about it.
A few weeks later i found myself in a similar situation.
I spied the board i wanted but no one was about
I shouted at the board pack again but nothing happened
I tried again, still nothing
I huffed a big sigh , i didnt want to go searching for the warehouse guy as it was almost lunch break!
So i inhaled & shouted out with ire
" look its nearly lunch time & im damned hungry so Come down
Lol, it worked, my pack came to the edge & i was able to open the
Side & pull out my samples
This continued! Call me dumb but i didnt think that much about it
Most times my samples were easy to get or id ask the warehouse guy to get them for me.
Also having had this oddity work a few times before i didnt doubt it wouldnt work for me again
I didnt tell anyone, to be honest i dont know why i didnt say anything but being young i didnt want people making fun of me i think.
Anyway one day someone saw me do this!!
It was the warehouse guy, i heard his exclamation then he did what i 1st did & ran around to the next aisle to see who pushed it!
Of course he found no one then stared at me as if i had two green heads
" how the heck did you do that?"
I had to confess i didnt know only that it works when i get mad or impatient.
I begged him not to tell anyone
& he promised!
Thinking back to then, im sure i terrified him & he was afraid id do something to him… 😆
It doesn't happen much now only rarely but ive never really thought it was odd
Thinking back to when i was little I could do stuff like that then,
& because no one said i COULDNT do it, i just… did it.
Some form of kinetic energy im positive but i never thought it was supernatural.
Those women or even kids who in a panic can lift up the front of a car if someone is trapped there.
Theres many other seemingly impossible feats yet even kids or old persons do these things when the great need gives superhuman
Strength or power of concentration.
Anyway thanks for the video DP
Always enjoy your content & brilliant narration skills
Great stories but didgeridoos are not made of bamboo nor do they have a reed. 💜🇦🇺💜
I actually prefer this slowed down style of voice, if you ain't using any enhancementss then you're all good.. ÷)
She is the windigo
The story about the job interview… WHY the F would you have NOT gone to the police station?! This whole, "I didn't want them to think I'm crazy and no one would believe us anyways" excuse is really getting old at this point.
Im mad about that sorry dude it really makes me mad
To the guy that got the fake job on Craigslist you should have went to the police 🚔 🙄 I mean what about the next person that won't be so lucky mabe they cut his tires when he gets their you did nothing im sorry that happened to you I have ptsd too but you make me sick you probably let others die because you didn't tell anyone wtf man what if it was your sister?
I can never understand people who won't tell what happened to the police. Even if you don't wanna testify in court, just denounce them anonymously at least
"A calico named Tabby"??😃 And poor kitty, being a victim of the Crawler!😢 That's why you need a decent weapon with you there!!
Love this guy
Definitely makes the world go round 👽👽👽👽
Love dp keep it going 👻👻👻
The titular story for this episode was real fun, but fake for a few, notable reasons:
1) Anyone who's been out in snow knows the easiest way to track something is…. by the giant set of footprints you leave behind.
2) Anyone who's been out at night in the snow can attest that it is INCREDIBLY bright. Even with a thick layer of clouds, the moon and starlight refracts incredibly well and gives fantastic ambient light. So, no, turning off your flashlight wouldn't plunge you into complete darkness… more… "late dawn" levels of… light. More than enough to see by.
I'm sorry not a single one of these are ever real. Sad. Good stories. Just fake.
I've been hired on the spot for a couple jobs. The interviews went like this.
Interviewer: * looks at résumé * I see you were in the military and have electronics experience.
Me: Yes. I served 7 years in the Army and worked on a missile system.
Interviewer: Great! When can you start?
Yo that hoodie merch look sic asf
I love your content, but can you please not use videos of flashing or strobing lights? I'm epileptic and I didn't realize this would have lights like that and I immediately had to close out because I could feel an episode coming on. Or if you are going to then please put a flashing light warning before hand
So the security guard wanted to tell people but didn't outnof fear of being deemed crazy. Why wouldn't he show them the same security footage he recorded on his phone to show his daughter?? Like, not show the footage recorded on the phone but the actual security footage from the system itself.
Those screams could be female mountain lions.
Apparently, they sound just like a woman screaming…
Disliked the flashing lights. 🙅🤷
Love this Channel
The first guy is dumb, hes has video evidence! Just show the police.
The security guard in the first story had proof to keep his coworkers safe and like someone posted below proof to make money but chose to not say or do anything. His children seemed like they were using him for babysitting and to help pay for their school. But to each family their own I guess.
Dead and roast it is that a new YouTuber channel podcast
The story with the cult honestly makes me angry they didn't go to the police as I doubt this was the first or last time they lured people out for doubtlessly nefarious purposes. Meaning the blood of the others that weren't so lucky afterwards are on their hands
The 2nd story one of the creepiest on this channel to this day but the description doesn’t fit a windiego it’s sounds more a dogman to me
Got me hooked listening to you, love the stories
You didn't give a warning about the first story. 😿
Very creepy incredible stories, enjoyed it very much
It annoys me when ppl are considered automatically "old and senile" and are dismissed by idiotic younger ppl who are too dumb to listen but end up getting chewed up/never seen again, or mauled but too terrified to speak out? I live by the "Just Because I Haven't Seen It, Doesn't Mean It Doesn't Exist?" rule.
The story where is the kids were living in the house for many years. There are two brothers one of them had changed a lot for no reason for what it seemed at the time at least. And then the other brother tried to ask what was wrong and he wouldn't answer and essentially they swapped rooms and then the other brother found out what was wrong after some sort of creature tried to get in through the window
Could anyone tell me which episode the story about the kids sneaking a spider on his dad's bed to show that something's wrong and there's some sort of creature is just wondering because I was my favorite story I've ever heard from this channel from
If the story about the B&B is true, dudes really should have turned it over to the police & maybe saved some lives.
These stories are such poorly written fanfic. None of this ever happened. Its all so cliche and predictable
It's 6am with a coffee and I'm chilling listening to these stories before my day.
Story One… so he can get video of the thing from the system to prove the thing exists to his kids, but nobody could do that for the police when they showed up?
Love ur stories to go to sleep to,… Great job keep up the great work 👍 👍👍
I find it sad how little it take to make people so uncomfortable so they quit their job (no hate)
I couldn't have quit just because something on my work made me uncomfortable can't afford to quit just because i get uncomfortable
Unless it's really life and death situation i couldn't have quit
So I don't understand how other people can just quit like that just because they get uncomfortable
If you got super grades sure easy to get job wherever you go
But if you got terrible grades then you don't have the luxury of quitting just because you are uncomfortable
You need the money 💰
To survive in this expensive world
Great video! Thank you. All were good but enjoyed windego story best👍
I thank God we all three, myself my husband and my youngest son check, and double check our doors each night, to make sure they are locked before we go to bed! Call it OCD if you want but this way, if one forgets the other will be sure to lock it. You can’t be to careful, or OCD about locking your door’s each and every night especially in these crazy time’s we live in today.
lol the first story mentions a camera several times, but provides zero pictures 🤣
Would appreciate if there was a warning about violence towards animals, whether the stories are true or not. Not everyone wants to listen to that. Thanks.
Back in the mid 2000’s people would use Craigslist for dating! That would probably put the Tinder stories to shame, now! “So, I met this person on Craigslist for a date…”
Thanks again for the awesome content!