Unbelievable footage evacuation Auckland | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

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“The region has been hit hard by floods and heavy rainfall, with landslides and flooding reported.
“Infrastructure and emergency services were overwhelmed by the impacts of the hurricane.”

A state of emergency has been declared in Auckland due to severe flooding.
The largest city in New Zealand

The mayor of Auckland declared a state of emergency after heavy rain caused widespread flooding and evacuations in New Zealand’s largest city.

Oakland Mayor Wayne Brown made the announcement Friday night as a massive evacuation took place across the city.
“This declaration reflects the extent of the damage, displacement and destruction caused by tonight’s severe weather event and allows emergency and first responders to draw on resources and impose additional powers to assist affected Auckland residents,” Brown said in a statement.

Flights to Auckland have also been delayed or canceled due to bad weather, and footage obtained by ABC shows areas of the city’s airport terminal completely flooded.
“Auckland Airport’s terminals and roads are currently affected by massive flooding,” the airport said in a tweet.

“We ask people not to travel to the international terminal at this time.”
In a separate tweet, Oakland Airport said runway operations were cut back after a landing plane damaged runway lighting.
The Auckland Office of Emergency Management said the northern, northwestern and western parts of the city were affected by severe flooding and conditions are expected to worsen.
“Severe weather is currently impacting the Tamaki-Makaurau region and areas in the north, northwest and west of Auckland have been hit by significant flooding.
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About the Author: Admin


  1. What is the interest of the Prophet of the Apocalypse? Just get likes or something else? Everything exaggerated. All in a context that has the clear intention of frightening and causing chaos.

  2. Padre celestial hayuda a estos hermanos x estas inundaciones sea reprendida está tormenta de inundaciones y retractada solo di la palabra padre celestial en él nombre q es sobre todo nombre en el nombre poderoso de Jesús amén amén y amén 🙏…

  3. He says what he thinks is OK, he thinks fast is showing he knows English, firstly he should take lessons how to pronounce properly, i. e. flooded is read fladyd not fludyd, it is a hint to foreigners, as English people probably won't understand what I am saying, maybe he will.

  4. Кому то не повезло с погодой. Желающих понять что же с ней не так

    вроде хватает, но только толку от такого желания мало. Чтобы получить ответ одного желания мало.Надо найти

    объективную информацию. Поэтому приходится и дальше писать то что не все ещё поняли. Климат всё ухудшается.

    А ведь можно повлиять на причину изменений. Есть разные варианты выхода из кризиса с климатом.

    Но они вам могут не понравится Этого можно было бы избежать И войны тоже. С планетой можно вести диалог. Она разумное

    существо. А мы молчим. хотя язык понятный Планете, нам доступен. Так и уйдём в артефакты, как молчаливое недоразумение.

    Ведь наша деятельность, в данной нам среде обитания, далека от нужной степени разума. А ведь у нас есть инструмент с

    помощью которого на первых порах можно сначала стабилизировать климат, чтобы катаклизмы не усиливались. А потом и вернуть

    климат в нормальное состояние .И кстати довольно быстро. Иначе никак.

  5. أتى نصر الله و رأيت الناس يدخلون في دين الله سبح بحمد ربك إنه هو التواب ،،،،**،،،، من آمن بالله سلم

  6. Essas coisas sempre aconteceram desde que o mundo é mundo, é só ver e analisar os vestígios e sinais que aparecem em escavações ,até nas rochas das praias se nota que o mar teve um nível mais elevado ,também sambaquis provam isso é temmuitos sinais que provam que não foi pela interfdo homen no meio ambiente ,tem muita gente muitos países criando narrativas pra se beneficiarem e aterrorizar o povo.

  7. طالما الناس بخير وعدد الضحايا أقل من القليل فالوضع آمن،نأمل وندعو الله ألا تسوء الأحوال أكثر

  8. Здравствуйте, друзья! Прогноз учëных не так весел, как воспринимают это люди. Настоящие катаклизмы ещё впереди. Готовы ли мы, люди, поступать по – человечески? Смотрите международный форум ( синхронный перевод на 150 языков планеты) от 12.11.2022 года " Глобальный кризис. Наше спасение в единении. "Причём все научные данные имеются в открытом доступе. Проверяйте и предлагайте свою модель общества для выхода из грядущих кризисов.

  9. Ооочень страшные кадры!! Аж местные горько смеются .над вами.пургу гоните!

  10. Hola. Mis condolencias a los damnificados.
    "Seria bueno una pequeñita foto de un mapa con una flechita, el nombre del lugar donde está ocurriendo lo que se informa y la fecha y hora.
    Gracias por su esperado trabajo.

  11. Have we crossed the point of no return in terms of damaging the planet? There is no such point. We need to trust that our thought, which is our greatest quality, can change nature. We only need to understand the direction to which we should aim our thoughts. What should we think about? What condition or state should we aspire to and ask for?
    In order to save our planet, we should think about positive human connections. That is, how can we, in our connections, keep nature safe? How can we all together protect our world? If we truly wish to better our planet, then we should see people holding a concern for how to positively connect everywhere that we look.
    It has nothing to do with recycling or other activities that we commonly associate with as being sustainable. If we come closer to and consider each other, that we will reach an entirely organic, perfectly connected and round state, then the negative forces will disappear from the world.
    We need to understand that if we start thinking better about each other, then the planet will recover from all harm, because our thoughts are the strongest force in nature. Likewise, our negative thoughts about each other are entirely to blame for damaging the planet. That is why the more we recycle and invest in energies and activities that we commonly think of as being sustainable, the worse our planet becomes. Nothing will work to benefit us until we reach a state where our attitude changes toward each other for the better to protect and improve our planet.

  12. Newzealand is super powerful country which can destroy whole world according to Europeon intruders there who illegally grabbed whole earth and made their own land. But bature knows to pritect its property from tiny humans.

  13. Sagr bad sy dro q gyrsar tutrahy abe karn hy sary dash ky keya katra hy sary gyrr pegygato jalsy dubadyga wusmy ade tufan clnyka Rsta bntato benas to pki hy Our bsdbe vare hoga to esan ka gali ka karn ab keyahoga Duneyako mayjary o esanky kalakpt chupanysy kysy cupyga dykey keya nahi hora dykeya my keya jut bolato jut bolryho bolo shch bolato qnahi manty q nfrth dykatyho

  14. Esta situación se debe al acercamiento del planeta cometa Nibiru el destructor habran megasismo y cambiara el eje de la tierra y los campos magnéticos se dibilitaran provocando un cambio geografico drastico en el planeta y la tierra tambaleara como un ebrio denlo por echo es inminente esta sucediendo y es natural.

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