More than a dozen recorded tornadoes have hit communities in Texas and Louisiana, damaging many homes and businesses as windows and roofs were blown off buildings, and the threat is expected to continue Wednesday in other southern states.
Thousands were left without power after reports that tornadoes hit communities in Texas and Louisiana as the storm continues to threaten the South and Midwest.
This week, a powerful, multi-day storm is having varying impacts across much of the US, with parts of Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi on tornado watch until Wednesday 5 a.m., while snow is also expected in the Midwest.
The winter storm will move into the Middle Mississippi Valley by Wednesday morning. Areas of heavy snowfall and winter mix over Oklahoma and the Ozarks will expand northeast into the Ohio Valley through early Wednesday
the hurricane caused extensive damage to the communities of Deer Park and Pasadena in the Houston area, where streets were littered with fallen trees and debris and thousands were left without power after lines were downed.
“We saw a lot of damage. We saw buildings collapse
“It appears that many homes and businesses in our area have been damaged and some areas are currently without electricity.
In Beauregard County, Louisiana, the sheriff’s office reported extensive damage to homes and other buildings, noting that roads were blocked and power lines were down. Nearly 16,000 homes and businesses were also left without power in Louisiana early this morning.
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Tatanan bumi tlh Rusak Krn manusia membangun dgn kesrakahan mementingkan diri.biarlah Alam menata ulang kembali dan Tuhan akan menghukum orang yg tidak bertobat.
Dio salva tutti I figli suoi e i bambini innocente Salvaci da tutto quello che ci la natura e l'uomo stanno cercando di distruggere Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Deus tenha Misericórdia dos Americanos.
Elite.s haarp
Eifin biene
Все думали отсидеться, Но Господь сам нас судит.
Ahora tendrán que ir los opositores a calmar el clima con sus energías limpias allá en usa
Texas is not the best places for lives.some times hurricane raining hard.cold weather Tornados don’t like Texas for move.some people from California movingly to texas make mistakes.much better is Mexico American people move to Mexico now thousand.
Dio e grandeeee.ritarda …ma non dimentica..rifanno lavori con 1200 miliardi rubbati alla ukraina grazie alla complicita del criminale da guerra e servo del complotto sionista contro umanita chiamato zelenzky kurva satana….morte all trio satanico soros.biden.zelelenzky
God said let my people go amen 🙏
Jesus Cristo está voltando! Arrepedei-vos para que sejam salvas às nossas almas.
Спаси Господи всех живущих на планете Земля и всю вселенную, 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Nenhum brasileiro vai trair o seu próprio país e povo em troca de absolutamente NADA, JAMAIS!
O sofrimento aumenta a cada dia na terra. DEUS, tem tudo debaixo do seu controle; e quer nos salvar. Isais 55-6e7, em João 3-16-17e18; JESUS CRISTO mostra-nos o propósito de Deus. Invoque o nome do Senhor, SENHOR JESUS CRISTO, eu te aceito como único e suficiente salvador da minha alma, SENHOR, perdoa todos os meus pecados; e escreve o meu nome no livro da vida, Romanos 10-9 e10. Enquanto há vida há esperança. Depois… você precisa nascer de novo, Marcos 16-16.
The americano Dreams jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja
The americano Dreams jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja
Don’t care for voice on this report.