Dozens of people initially thought to be missing have been found after powerful storms caused severe flooding and mudslides and damaged more than 100 homes, officials said.
There is a strong flood in China! People and their houses are destroyed! The end of the world is near!
The authorities said that 44 people are considered missing.
Houses were blown off their foundations and people had to wade through waist-deep water to reach safety.
By early Thursday morning, more than half had been accounted for after authorities “worked through the evening and night to locate and reunite residents in the area with their loved ones.”
Three roads remained closed.
According to him, one road, State Route 715, will be closed for an extended period due to bridge damage.
Rescue operations were complicated by the fact that some roads were impassable
Authorities are still checking vehicles in the river, he said, adding that new missing person reports may be filed.
The mountain ranges acted as a funnel for the rain as the river quickly rose and spilled onto the roads.
Houses were blown off their foundations and people had to wade through waist-deep water to reach safety.
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Persecuting God's people is a curse.
See: Psalm 105:15
Terrible y no exageran es real fin del mundo.habra sobrevivientes y lo que nos espera si sobrevivimos
Year? Day?.
my god is this real?
Dios mío protejenos
Por que não chamam os ETS?PRA AJUDAR MEU DEUS!
Si es huracán del fin del mundo porque golpearía solo a china, odio los títulos sensacionalistas.
Dios mío ten misericordia de nuestros hermanos
Arrepientanse de tanta maldad porque los tiempos son malos y si no lo haces hoy para mañana sera tarde, despues no hay más oportunidad
Eso merecemos nunca hemos Sido respetuosos el 95 x ciento con la naturaleza madre
Esta cabron
Las naciones los inperios los gobernantes tienen que tener en cuenta al creador umillarce ante su majestad
Fin del mundo…🤔
Your voice is terrible to understand 😪,, !!
This was the 1st hurricane to hit 🇨🇳 in at least the last 500 years.
un invierno normal en mi pais
Juízo de Deus na China que Deus tenha misericórdia de nossos irmãos chineses.
La jente tiene la culpa que acontezca todo esto son muy pecaminosos la tierra no soporta la maldad ni tampoco cuidan el planeta ola tierra es un ser vivo clama lo suyo yano soporta tanta sucidad
Sep 08 2022 About baptismal rites and procedures
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