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Attitude. Skills. Plan.
Doesn't seem like he had enough time to respond to the command. At the same time the cops didn't have cover and the gun was already up high. If he was a bad guy and decided to shoot, it would only take a second to get a shot off. Touch decision for the cops. Glad blue undies survived.
yes, you can blame the police. the sight of a gun is not a legal reason for cops to shoo. These are bad cops that need to lose their job and if the guy dies go to prison. You are biased and dirty in your outlook on this case. this channel is very biased. I"m for the police but I"m also for calling it true when I see it.
Your chances of winning a fight go way up when you pull your pants up and wear a belt.
Stop shooting people and then giving orders! They can't now. You've shot them.
This is bullshit those cops should lose their job. The gun was never named in their direction. damn, I hate the police. Their job is to protect, again protect and serve. not be scared and shoot. Those cops should lose their job. The police do not have the right to shoot at the sight of a gun, The man with the gun could have been a legal gun owner, that just protected himself, and then the cops killed him, in this case, the man with the gun has a total right to keep the gun away from the bad guys. The cops here need to lose their job and get charged with murder if the guy dies. the sight of a gun is not a legal reason to kill. it is just not. The first must figure out if the human with the gun is a threat or not. A gun is an object that can not be used for harm unless the human is willing to be harmful. The police have job to protect first. Their job was to protect the man with the gun unless they have a reason not to. The police did say to put the gun down but then shot the man within less than one sec of that statement. Again these cops need to lose their job and go to prison if the man dies. blue pants did nothing wrong, he was protecting himself the entire time.
average white cops shoot before asking
The police training in some countries sucks . especially the US
Sorry you officers the command that was given was only a fraction of second before the shot was being initiated by the officers! Let's hope the male who happen to disperse the group and prevent them to fight further instead did end up being shot and killed prematurely by the officers will win the lawsuit!
Steph: kinda kinda kinda ….
What how did you miss it Mr asp, "something between a harsh word and a gun" if the little guy who brought out the gun can articulate reasonable fear for his life or his friends its back on blue undies shoulders right so OC spray would have "taken the starch right out of him!"
Great advice, and something to think about. No amount of payout is worth getting shot multiple times.
Just like cops… Shoot when they have zero clue what has occurred and put the people (they thought were victims) in danger because screw your backdrop when you are firing. 👌🏼
I guess I’m alone in thinking that the guy should have immediately removed the magazine and ejected any round that might have been chambered? If you are in a fight and end up with a gun in your hand that you aren’t planning on using, make sure no one else can use it either
Damn law enforcement acted way to crazy and fast at the end… i hope he does win his lawsuit… white sleeves and original gun user needs to be held accountable as well…
Every time one of these boobs has to stop to pull up their pants, PUNCH THEIR LIGHTS OUT.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes…
1:58 there was a guy in the bathroom and don't understand anything 🤣🤣
I bet that chilled out the situation lol
American cops are Pussy
Does anyone know how to wear there pants anymore ?
The grey hoodie is a girl. She swung on the guy and took a left hook for it.
Those cops are a joke lol didnt even wait
Hopefully the guy that got shot left all these dirtbags behind and made something out of his life
Black man with a gun… boom, boom, boom "Drop the gun!" Blue underwear guy had no idea the police were there, he was in an active attempt to defend his life, and the group basically backed him into a group of adrenaline dumping police looking to shoot before getting shot. Blue underwear guy was twice the victim that night. I hope he wins his lawsuit.
Eyy that's la vics,i knew the second i saw those steps
I'm glad blue undies lived
Racist ass police shot way too fast.