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About the Author: AGuyAndAGolden


  1. I have been watching your channel for a long time and don't know why I haven't subscribed until now? What the flip is wrong with me lol! Thank you for this beautiful content and the time and care with your amazing puppo!

  2. This is so cute but a golden retriever wont bring you happiness by itself. If you truly love and cherish it then it will. For example if you come home everyday so exited to see your dog, ofc you’ll b happy. But if u come home everyday thinking about the hard work and effort like “uh I have to walk it” then no, you wont be happy. So it’s not buying happiness, it’s buying something that comes with both hard work. The effort you put in reflects what comes out.

  3. Dog is our best friend and even our family. We train them but we learn more from them. We learn a sense of responsibility, more tolerance, patience and love in life.

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