The Dark Side Of The Designer Puppy Industry | Animal Rescue | Pets & Vets

The Dark Side Of The Designer Puppy Industry | Animal Rescue | Pets & Vets
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We take a look at the dark side of the designer puppy industry. The RSPCA take on one of these horrible puppy mills that don’t care at all about animal welfare, just the money that can come from selling these high-priced pups.

From wounded pelicans to horses in jeopardy, Australia’s RSPCA are here to do everything they can to save the day. With amazing stories of bravery, empathy and courage, Animal Rescue is unlike anything you’ve seen.

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About the Author: Admin


  1. This happens al over the world and people just dont realise they are paying far too much for a MONGREL, not a "designer dog". The female dogs are not looked after at all and the people who want "designer dogs" are to blame because if they didnt, there wouldnt be horrible dog breeders who just want the money. A cross breed is a mongrel, not a designer dog.

  2. So many comments about the dogs, I also want all puppy mills to shut down and a much stricter law and such but no one, really no one cares about that fruitbat! How many bat's, birds, possums and other animals get stuck and die or are severely injured? Nets like that shouldn't be allowed. You poor fruits? Dude, that poor animal tried to survive because there's not enough food out there.

  3. It's like that here in the US. The laws are not enforced and so called inspectors are not doing their jobs. It's a steep uphill battle to get puppy mills and kitten mills shut down and shut down for good. At least these dogs and puppies that were saved are now getting the care they all need and are now protected. I hope the judge that over resides over this case will give maximum penalties in fines and jail time, and that the people will not be able to ever own an animal again. Huggssss for all of the dogs and puppies. It's going to take a massive effort to get them all ready for new homes. Don't give up on the really scared and traumatized ones, rehabbing them will take a lot longer, but they too deserve a second chance in a loving home.

  4. Hi everyone. Please call all your elected representatives where ever you live and urge for STRONGER HUMANE LAWS and REAL PRISON time for neglect and abuse of animals.

    Urge them to OUTLAW "Puppy mills" which are dog cruelty dens for ruthless greed driven creeps to make money off the suffering of animals.
    Don't shop…Adopt!

    Thank you.

  5. Horrible. This is why I could never get a pure-bred dog: no matter how cute they are, there are people who profit from animals suffering, and there are perfectly lovely mutts who need homes at shelters.

  6. I have a blind dog that survived a puppy mill. She was used for breeding until she became too old and they discarded her on the streets. I adopted her from a rescue organization. She is the sweetest, most loving dog. I am saddened at how humans can be so cruel.

  7. Adopt from shelter or get a dog from a breeder that has the right papers where you see the mom and where you get official papers from the dog i got mine from a breeder but i been to his home 4 times al his dogs looked healty and the puppies where kept in a home environment and with the mom no cages

  8. I really wish such operations such as puppy mills could be outlawed. Make it have to be licenced and inspected. Not scheduled inspections! Just somehow shut these places down!

  9. Oh my God..these people who do this need JAIL TIME..and banned FOR LIFE from keeping ANY PET including a goldfish!!.. that poor blind poodle..Fergus who is also blind..poor Lucy the old labrador who should never be still having pups..that traumatised heart is breaking 💔💔😭😭💔😭💔 watching this..I want to go onto the next programme but I know all of them aren't going to make it..I just want them all to experience some love for the first time in their life..god I'm telling you now I'd do time for teaching them a bloody hard lesson with my crutches..

  10. It looks to me like you should have plenty of pictures and documentation to put these people in jail and fined and NEVER able to keep and breed dogs again!😡
    Poor momma’s😢💔

  11. Puppymills are a shame! Why do some people think they can do this to a innocent animal i beyond my imagenation! It’s awful! Put those people in cage’s and bread on them instead😡

  12. Disgusting. Makes me sick. Pay all that money for puppy and they treat them like crap. If people would stop buying them online there would be no need for them. The USA is just as bad trust me.

  13. This puppy mill needs to be completely closed down and don't let them have any more animals the rest of their lives They need to be prosecuted for this this is punishment to these dogs and it is so sad what they got to go through.

  14. As long as people buy dogs, and wanted the latest breed asking no questions, the puppy mill industry & irresponsible will continue. It feeds a demand. Adopt, don’t shop, spay & neuter (applies to cats & dos). Also don’t use netting that you can get more than a finger through.

  15. This is why so many of us believe in adopt don't shop…. We call them puppy mills here in the states, and at one time (may still be) Missouri was know as the puppy mill capital of the world….. Which is sickening….. Yes there are purebred pedigree breeders, who not only don't keep buyers from seeing the dogs, but some require it. However I personally believe all breeding, except for those needed for disabled people & police2, should stop for at least 10 years.

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