MERCH LINK – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc1_xzi82TU4RjvucWnZvbg/store
MY DISCORD💙 – https://discord.gg/rakzz
Merch Info – if you buy a sticker, send proof in my discord of it.. i will then add you and we can play:)
Business Email: businessrakz@gmail.com
gorilla tag, gorilla tag update, gorilla tag jmancurly tag
I do not own any music/sound effects inside this video!
We HIT 100K! Thanks So Much:)
Ofc gorilla tag ghost are not real they're banned
No they are because I saw my FIRST gorilla tag ghost it was run rabbit run rabbit my 2ND was warning bot I’m so glad I didn’t get banned sees the whole vid: nvm
Dang 100k do you have your play button yet?
Gorilla tag ghost actually used to be real in the early 2022's
but lemming finally banned all of them except… alot more, bots are getting out of control especially with trolling people getting kicked and banned
so yes but no ghost were real but no for now
I still believe cause I got banned and I was playin around in gtag but no one was there cause obvi I was banned like 5-10 minutes later someone spawns and plays the daisy09 song and I got off immediately
You should do a video you have to put your name as kkk 2 times get banned for only an hour go into forest spam click the mute button over and over again and daisy09 will show up
I met a gorilla hacker named bat555 he banned almost everyone in the server and kicked us
what about statue somebody got banned from him on a youtube short
here's a series of those
How do i join your Discord?
When I was ban Daisy joined
I saw pbbv and actually got banned for 3 days
tbh, i want more gtag ghosts like voices, (only 1 video ever found) cuz it is more of a verbal ghost instead of the normal ones that ban you,
I want more ghosts that actually give you shivers when you hear them, not see them,
Tip: You get ghosts when your banned
I found PBBV in gorilla tag it was the first time in the game🎮 that I found a real gost
idk if its fake or real because i was playing and then the world just started becoming plain gray
i remember you showing this to me when the intro was the only thing made
I love your videos please post more
I'll prove u wrong my bff found a bot called mono999 he tuched it and he got banged for 999 days!
I got trolled
Day 5 of asking you to play grab
you are the BEST
So gtag hackers here is some explaing so beez is a banning ghost hacker but namo is old and back I saw him in a lobby yesterday lower case name which is inpossible with mods they are real I’ve been banned reason 3 times PBBV is watching time day ban 1 day j3vu incounter ban 7 days reason I’m not PBBV I’m am j3vu run time day and Satue 5 weeks reason run night time
No couse daisy09 came in my banned server
2:12 oh hello be- i mean namo
not the mark rober music
Hey rakzz can you make the best juke
THEY ARE REAL you meanie
new gorilla tag ghost out D: donttouch scary
alright but what is the difference betweena gtag hacker and a gtag modder
Brooooo I met a rainbow monkey and I turn invisible I think it was a hacker
Wait when I was banned someone joined my server and was putting the daisy09 music on is it real?
And tom
I didn't even know I wasn't girl to take it I saw J3VU and that was so creepy I almost got banned and it was leggy so I turned off my VR headset turned tow and other people turn off your headsets
Please tell me there is such thing as that makes the gorilla tag character faceless because I was in a lobby and everyone was kicked and this freaking faceless monkey comes out of nowhere and banned me for a week. He didn’t even have just two arms he had about four I almost mistaken for spider, but I realize spider has a face and climb on walls. He did not climb on any walls, and all he did was simply remove every character from the lobby and Ban and me for one whole week
But that did not even come close to what he started to do when I was finally un band I was finally on game and I join a public code. It has seemed I’ve been player track as the same guy join the code his name was in a more characters than the normal, gorilla tag name should be but the weirdest part was he had a period in his name. No, I know characters can not have any commas periods or symbols and their names but what was weird was his name was oblivion 0.1 everyone soon realize this and started to realize he had no face and his name was messed up. Finally the worst thing that happened. He started reading, peoples IP addresses and kicked or banned about four people from the lobby. We were telling the people who I just joined the public city lobby to leave immediately as the IP addresses had been real and not fake. One of the people‘s names and addresses have been read out loud he Has freaked out and started to panic one other kid started to cry because he did not want his information leaked on a public game. I tried to find a moderator quick as possible but no one was a moderator. Some people where lying about being one and some are just not one. This has been the scary thing I have ever faced I don’t know if he was a modder a hacker or some AI I have not played since I’m afraid I am still going to be player track
Sadly, this was the beginning it had been just about maybe two months, three months and another ghost or hacker joined, and his name was mimic. He was taking place disguises, and we saw nothing much of it until we realize that player that he disguises was being kicked and he would try to become that player and then disguise as the player and kick a real version of them and slowly take over the whole server , he was just black and his name was mimic. He did not walk like an AI would Instead he walk like a normal gorilla tag player, which letting me to the choice that he was, in fact, not a ghost well shall I thought until I thought of it more maybe he was programmed to walk like a normal monkey to make everyone believe he was fake was that the set up the whole time? I still don’t know, but I’m just warning you if a gorilla tag character who is black as name is mimic joins and starts to take the place of other characters leave immediately said he will take your place put your cosmetics on and take your name kick you from the lobby and become you and then will move onto the next person. He also does not go to the keyboard to type his name and it will just randomly change and it’s cosmetic to be randomly put on please someone reach out to me as soon as possible. This game is not become a fun socializing kids game anymore is becoming more of a hell place where people are being banned and kicked but I do know that behind every roll tag player behind every VR headset there is a real person question is who is causing this chaos and will we find them?
I know a new ghost code wubbox
Short answer NO
But how do they get in banned peoples servers?? If
Pbbv is an Ai that stands for artificial intelligence that means he’s a coded robot but J3VU isn’t an Ai that’s what we call a hacker
There is ONE ghost that real that a bot coded in c#
It all modders