The father of a University of Idaho murder victim speaks out after seeing his daughter’s alleged killer in court, Virginia authorities …
The father of a University of Idaho murder victim speaks out after seeing his daughter’s alleged killer in court, Virginia authorities …
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Jesus Christ called people everywhere to repent, so if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe with all your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and inherit the kingdom of heaven and eternal life. To this, people would accept Jesus Christ in life in their hearts and told other people how good he is, how he saves, heals and frees and gives eternal life for free 2
Forgive me. But I smell something off for some reason. I can’t explain why but something off
Also news media who are talking about this potential killer knows that he is being talked about around the world, and that really turned him on right now, so that makes him popular, because he feel he done something wonderful. It’s like instead of it being 15 minutes of fame, how about months of fame. Narcissist,
Still blaming China when USA was the ones that paid to have this Virus. Covid is the biggest BS story ever
I don't like Democrats, I'm fed up with these governments…
Esto ya va. Muy bien. Alpaiz. Tiene que. Ver por lomejor. Dioz. Esta precente alanacion. De ser. Muchomejor.
Thank You Mr. Goldsmith.
Thank You Task Force Butler
6yo little nick gurr already shooting because he's too stupid to do anything else…
NFL needs to spend some $$$ towards impact resistant uniforms and helmets. Not impossible
We need to hold Congress accountable for allowing the FBI to be so crooked. We need to vote the Congress out of office.
the FBI screws up they get to paint it on you the screw up so that they don't get in trouble
Damar had just received a COVID Booster, days Earlier. As the CDC Cautions, that Myocarditis and Pericarditis, can Follow within days after a Second COVID Booster Vaccine, in young healthy males.
NBC runs stories into the ground.
"Name last name drop line goes here." What a fail by the graphics department! 🤣🤣🤣 0:34 bottom right picture.
You won't know it here but if you watch Fox News they have live cameras at the southern border talking to border agents you can see and hear the truth for yourself
Easy there tom, be sure you do not report any important news that nbc has decided to suppress , or else.
6 year old shoots teacher?
when are people going to realize that gun control is a very good thing to adhere to?
We may find out that he was upset about them eating meat products from the food trucks