hello friends it’s WMG today we’re going to be checking out some people who got VERY LUCKY and if you get to meet any of them perhaps you can use them as a lucky charm. Watch this video until the end and see for yourself
Over 18 minutes of 100 LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA! #7 we’re going to show you some of the Luckiest People, Unbelievable moments, Lucky TikTok videos, AND people couldn’t be luckier. As always, we run down the full list of LUCKIEST PEOPLE in some of the LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA videos on the internet.
And other lucky people moment that I’m probably not remembering! 😉 Let’s see for yourself.
If you enjoyed this 100 LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA! #7, you should also check out these other LUCKIEST PEOPLE video lists LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKH-2rh3WXBYvgxsZHT2Q1MySg08qjYzd
And also!
TOP LUCKIEST PEOPLE of the YEAR ! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKH-2rh3WXBZAjTNxPqD5htaBMJM3zs2N
All Of WMG Video https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKH-2rh3WXBbapG7mCt7ZcnmgzlXCVzJ_
→ SUBSCRIBE and BELL for new LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA videos ♥ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKGd4XhXR02TUY-Str2Eanw
→ For copyright matters please contact us at: bruceleeamerica08@gmail.com
#luckiestpeoplecaughtoncamera #luckiestpeople #luckypeople #peoplearelucky
#lucky #wmg
I really find showing every clip twice incredibly boring.
Why peculiar form of English has been used within this video upon YouTube? Confusing is it so much that my form of speaking may permanently made harmed. :-)
No one was Hammer, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I seriously had almost a heart attack.
I seriously had almost a heart attack.
Loving this channel. Thank you!
I seriously had almost a heart attack.
props to that pit crew hopping the race cars. man was carrying 75 pounds of pure steel jack
props to that pit crew hopping the race cars. man was carrying 75 pounds of pure steel jack
That is incredible how much crazy some peoples are.
I Love How The Guy Manages To Escape The Cops XD Lol
The Parkour guy is a total badass
I love how the guys just running after the bike lol
I am always saying "but they are not luck if they got into that situation."
"Luck is a concept invented by the weak to explain their failures." – Swanson
Respect to the guy who gave the finger to the cops
That Swedish Police boat docking approach looked pretty amazing!
Conclusion of the video- getting multiple snacks is as lucky as being saved from almost dying.
So luckiest people at 2:57
Who checks your captions? No one was hammer? Should be No one was harmed. Yet road burn and bruising are injuries
I bet someone was hammered when they made this video. The question is could they touch that?
Reason #3,432,742 we don’t use Google translate.
Also, research the videos.
No such thing as god of luck, there's only one God, your Creator, and Saviour. Come to him for your Salvation. Rejoice in the Lord always. Amen to that.