When Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 departed from Addis Ababa on November 23, 1996, it was carrying 163 passengers and 12 crew members. Among them were an American diplomat, a legendary news cameraman, and a deadly plan.
Are you able to figure out what the cause of this crash was?
From Season 3 Episode 13 “Ocean Landing”: Twenty minutes into the flight, the three young men rushed the cockpit and hijacked the aircraft. They demanded that the plane switch course to Australia – an 11-hour flight. It was a suicidal request – the plane had only three hours of fuel.
Captain Leo Abate had been hijacked twice before. When he was unable to convince the hijackers to change their destination, he developed a backup plan. Without their knowledge, he headed toward the tiny Comoros Islands. An airport there might be his last chance.
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Mayday: Air Disaster is a dramatic non-fiction series that investigates high-profile air disasters to uncover how and why they happened. Mayday: Air Disaster follows survivors, family members of crash victims and transportation safety investigators as they piece together the evidence of the causes of major accidents. So climb into the cockpit for an experience you won’t soon forget.
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Are you able to figure out what the cause of this crash was?
7 free 4
if they want to go to australia why don't they buy a ticket going directly to australia?, that's easier.. pity them
OMG! Just freaking unbelievable snd mind blowing!!!!!
I'm short of words mmmmmmm.
It's nice there is a bit of diversity for a change on one of these episodes.
Can you add more commercials?
Not a great water landing
Pilot: We are running out of fuel, please stop the hijackers
Flyers: 😴
* lights go out and cabin gets spicy
Flyers (including video journalist):😳
Was 11 during 9/11 so growing up jaded in regards to situations like this, (and also from many of these flight crash videos) it's absolutely embarrassing that 3 ppl couldn't be over taken by 171 others. It's a gamble either way, I'd prefer to gamble there's no bomb vs. crash landing. Pilot's the only hero here.
I love the spirit of this pilot!!! He is so courageous and strong even though they are in trouble.
The captain wrongfully identified somali from djibouti as a hijacker he was in Comoros police for a while and suffered a lot
Blessings to the pilot and co pilot
I'll give a big hug 🫂 🤗 ❤💐for the courageous pilots..my intensed hand salute and my great respect 🙏..
I wish the cowers passengers have done something instead of waiting to die and afraid of death (which they died anyway)
This was an amazing story, the pilots bravery is just breathtaking❤
At the end the hijackers didn't gain anything but the pilots survived..isn't that karma? In it's finest??
Im good
They were so lucky they 1. Had an amazing captain to land the plane, and they were so close to inhabited islands.
Men… if you’re ever on board something that is taken over by Hijackers… Fight or you’ll die!
28:41 Captain Leul Abate: that's it both engines are out that's it is this what you wanted
Why wouldn’t these high jackers just buy a plane ticket to where they want to go like a normal person.
Idiots. Fly the plane after the captain telling them there’s not enough fuel. What part of the work are those idiots from?
The pilot is brave…salute🇰🇪
If I was reincarnated, I would be a plane ✈️. And if an disaster was about to happen, I’d rather crash into ocean , rather than mountains. You have better chance of survival in ocean, than solid ground.
All these hi jacks you would think that they would have started to search people better!! 😆😂
Too many ads!!
2 brillow heads flying a plane? Did they steal it?
Those three, Haijacker's are not from Ethiopia, they are from Somalian terrorist grup. Wich is wrong information you given us. I was the menber of the staff at that time.
Why don't they add few security guys on every plane?! Too much responsibilities for the pilots to fly it safe, negotiate and fight such idiots.
Al4 watched dhiz very lEAGUE ofc JMFAOIL
it was the hijacker's fault the plane ran out of fuel
Love Africa!!!!!!
What are the odds that this guys finds his own passport while escaping the wreckage???
Fix the doors, before 911?
My big Question is who was that taking the video.
Ok so you wanted a ride to Australia? You bought this ticket why you didn't just buy a damn ticket to Australia?
World's most idiotic terrorists right there. They could have landed in Mombassa, refueled, and made the trip to Australia no problem. The African authorities there on the tarmac would not have made any attempts to board the plane. It's better that they didn't in the end though, because those dummies got what they deserved.
Pure miracle some survived this tragedy
With all that weaponry undetected @ the CHECK POINT security control before boarding the plane ?!?! PLEASE EXPLAIN !
And how did they board the plane with those explosives in the first place ?
That was not a plane of passengers that was a plane of full of sheep. WTF !!! 175 against 3 WOW !!!
The hijackers are like scared to die
The hijackers are all talk they don’t do that means there inexperienced they just been told to do that they don’t know why there doing this