She Saw Her Friend's Father In Heaven! – Near Death Experience

She Saw Her Friend's Father In Heaven! - Near Death Experience
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Near-death experience guest 703 is Laura Hoffert who was without oxygen for 6 minutes and got an amazing glimpse of heaven during her nde experience.

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  1. Hello everyone, this is Mara. I 'd like to let you know that I made an error and misspelled Laura 's last name. It should be, Hoffert. My apologies! I hope you enjoy the video!❤️

  2. The second most important prophet in Islam is Jesus. Mary, Abraham, Moses are all in the Koran. That’s why people sound like dumb asses when they criticize it.

  3. Amen! I’m an ex muslim and was saved by Jesus at the age of 50. No one ever preached to me or shared the gospel. The Holy Spirit drew me and my husband (from a devout muslim family) to Jesus. We were disowned by my in-laws and many of our family members and the muslim community. There is no doubt that Jesus is God, the Bible is true and prayer really works! It’s the sinful nature of man that causes wars, hatred, murder, suffering and pain—not religion…although islam (not necessarily muslims, who are largely ignorant about their prophet and scriptures) ideologically teaches hatred and violence towards Jews, Christians and non Muslims.

  4. Loved it all until she said she looked down and saw a glimpse of hell. Hell is a man-made and fear is a powerful motivator. Just like the song, "Love is the answer " by England Dan and John Ford Coley. Let's let the oldie but goodie song be our theme song.

  5. While listening through this, your voice, your energy, so feel sincere and so pure, I really find this so good to listen to, like a soft calmness through your voice.
    Also I understand that your suffering is real, but when we go home, you will see that it has a purpose. Thank you so much again ♥️

  6. Near the end of her interview, Laura mentioned how time is different in the altered state and is tough to measure.
    I never had an NDE but I did have an OBE at the dentist in my early 20's having a wisdom tooth removed. I was given Nitrous Oxide and almost immediately I heard this popping sound. I was floating up near the ceiling watching the whole procedure from above. Before I knew it, I was back in the chair coming to and being told to bite down on some gauze for the bleeding.
    I told the dentist about my experience and he laughed and non-chalantly said, "Yeah, that happens a lot when the nitrous is used." Very cool guy.

  7. Thank you so much Jeff and Mara for another video validating Heaven, and again a mention that our family pets are also there waiting for our return. Thank you for your story Laura.

  8. I loved her story ! She seems so sweet 💓Jeff when I go on tictoc I tell everyone about You .I really hope others do as well it really spreads the word we can reach many all they have to do is put in your name and say it's a podcast of people who had a NDEs .even better if they have a huge following .we really need to put your name out there 💗💗💗

  9. These stories confirm so much of what I've always intuitively thought, and the apparent confirmations of the afterlife fill me with so much more inner joy than I ever received from Catechism or being drug to various churches over the years. This has got to be what the "good news" was intended to be.

  10. Jeff ! Your questions are brilliant. You really have the ability to cause deep thoughts with your interviewees. I had an experience the night my mother dies…she came to me and I had an out of body experience. We sat together, talked and resolved all issues. I even awoke with irrefutable proof of her visit. It was healing and wonderful.

  11. I've heard Laura's story before and this is an excellent example of a biblically accurate real death experience. Never believe a story that doesn't line up with the word of God. Jeff pay attention to this. These are the stories you should be sharing.

  12. I really love this lady !! She really uplifted my heart and I recognize now that prayer can be as simple as calling out the name “Jesus “how cool is that? I already started doing it because sometimes “simple”is my “go to”when my head is racing with thoughts 😮

  13. I feel bad for the unnecessary and horrific “medical” procedures she had gone through. But it allowed her to get a glimpse of Heaven to bring back a powerful message. I guess it’s true there is a reason for everything.

    Jeff you are looking very handsome these days, nice haircut!

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