Since late December 2022, Californians have been exposed to historic levels of rain and snow, which have flooded roads and homes, forced evacuations, and left millions without power. Almost the entire state received 400% to 600% of its typical average rainfall since Christmas. Nine atmospheric river storms, which are air corridors that can carry massive amounts of water thousands of miles, have caused cascading effects such as landslides, sinkholes, and downed trees, causing damage to roads and homes. The state has gone from one extreme to the other, from extreme drought and depleted reservoirs to excessive rain all at once. What caused this abrupt change from drought to deluge? And why are all of these events happening now? Is North America on the verge of experiencing its worst natural disaster in decades? Stay with us until the end to find out the answers to all of these questions, because something terrifying is taking place in North America.
Floods can surge all year round, in every region of the world. However, determining whether or not a particular flood is related to climate change is not an easy task, according to the experts. This endeavor is made more challenging by the scarcity of historical records, particularly for the most severe floods, which occur infrequently. It can be tempting to blame all floods and other extreme events on global warming. However, weather is not the same as climate, even though weather can be affected by climate. For example, scientists are confident that climate change makes unusually hot days more common. They’re not as sure that climate change is making tornadoes more severe. Flooding, like other natural disasters, is complicated by a number of competing factors that can influence its frequency and intensity in opposing ways. Climate change, which is aggravating extreme rainfall in many storms, is becoming an increasingly important factor.
Most people ignore the teachings of Religious scriptures. These events might be connected with LGBTQ issues. It has to be studied deeply before it is too late.
HARP n the mix
Also, if this is celestial, we might see the Sahara quickly become fertile again. Hang in there. The 26,000yr solar minimum will pass along with pole shift and we will begin a new age
It is because of volcanic activity in 2008, 2015, and recent Tonga eruption. Too much water in the stratosphere. Sulfur higher as well.
If only California would take a hint and get it together
I thought harp was sound?? I think they forget. With EVERY action there WILL always be a reaction.
IF they would leave our weather IN God's hands we WOULD be OK.
Climate change means weather wierding.
Weather manipulation
Sounds like a typical decade in Australia… drought… fire… rain… isn’t it funny that the extreme spread of information has created a climate change ideology.
"It's not nice to fool with mother nature"
That's what I think. Weather manipulation is either going as planned. Or, it's getting out of control and we have to just ride out the storm.
You all cry about everything. just thank god were alive and show some love to those around you.
Sink hole created by taking out what's holding it up like natural gas and stuff like that oil too
Well tell all the rich people stop flying private jets all over they uses the most fuel out of all of us
Yeah raise the property taxes as my house gets swiped away someone's gotta make a profit from it
Looks like America is under judgement.
Climate change is a hoax. Scientists are saying what is happening on this planet is happening on the other planets in our solar system. Therefore it is relative to our sun (star). We are headed to a micronova state which beyond popular belief does not wipe out all life on the planet.
Well get use to it.. Coming to you from New Zealand.. Good luck..
The Tonga volcanic eruption has a lot to do with these flood's .
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