Population ecology is the study of groups within a species that interact mostly with each other, and it examines how they live together in one geographic area to understand why these populations are different in one time and place than they are in another. How is that in any way useful to anyone ever? Hank uses the example of the West Nile virus outbreak in Texas to show you in this episode of Crash Course: Ecology.
Table of Contents
1) Density & Dispersion 02:03
2) Population Growth 03:07
3) Limiting Factors 03:45
a) Density Dependent 06:16
b) Density Independent 07:11
4) Exponential & Logistical Growth 08:04
5) How to Calculate Growth Rate 09:33
Campbell Biology 9th ed.
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These videos are very helpful to build basic concepts of many fields. Thank you.
teacher forcin me to do this
Hello I just wanted to say that this has helped me because I am eco leader and this has really helped thanks hank!
Dawg my science teacher isn’t here and he gave us this
It really hit home when he said the human growth curve will slow down due to something like a pandemic 😭
10:10 For the benefit of the audience he's writing in mirror image, very impressive
Who else knocked out watching this 😭
I like the part in hank's hair at 9:56 better. in my opinion it makes him look a lot better (not that he looked bad to begin with, just that it looks better 😃)
anyone can tell me 10 pieces of info in this video? lol
I really hate biology man. But I gotta do what I gotta do 😔
It would be wierd if humans did that.
Girl: walks into dude cloud
Also Girl: walks out with boyfriend
Corona hours huh
Important question: Is he writing that quickly backwards or is there some magical trickery involved?
If Cyanobacteria proliferated in such numbers that the atmosphere became so oxygen rich that anaerobic bacteria died out is humanity's effect on climate change immoral or another cycle of life on Earth?
so mosquito are the ultimate thot
y did u teach the mosquitos how to kill us?!?!?
This guy just predicted Corona look at 8:45
mr roots biology wya
Here to do sum Homework
Unfortunately 😢
He’s so cute 😝
the density-dependent factor limiting human population growth: corona
also who else is studying this for the ap bio test lol