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What is it with so many Arkansas police chases? Is it illegal to pull over without fleeing first?
Great Pit but please turn your sirens off once you're parked 🙉
Weak, poor visuals.
How tf do you think you can outrun police cars lol. It happens what 1 out of 20 times? And because bad guys had very powerful cars, smh
Arkansas: where going 15 over on an empty road at night warrants attempted murder.
Pitting at 100mph with a passenger and other cars around is crazyyyy 💀💀
Safe to say lady's insurance will cancel (if she had any).
Maybe ASP should get some Nissan's to replace their Charger's.
The day we can get a drone to fly at 150-200 mph ( 241-322 kmh ), fly along side of them and loudspeaker a simple command : "Stop or die !", and then fly ahead of them enough to turn and head straight for the driver. A combined speed of 100, 200, or 300 mph ought to have enough kinetic energy to disable the car / driver, permanently.
Once again, it's the Gov't / lawyers / pantywaists that will object to eliminating criminals.
" Crime is OUR business, and business is Good ! "
What's the gas milage cruising at 130mph for the trooper cruisers? Maybe 5mpg?
This was one of the only things they do correct most of the time its highway piracy or abusing rights. Anyone that takes a job that intrudes in strangers lives where no injury occures should be scared when they force arrest ones freedom of travel. Their word in most reports filed are delusions of granduer.
Bring back 150mph ASP cars.
If you cant go faster then 140 why even run
ASP All Star’s ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Get your channel tag off the video it's tacky a.f.
The females were being pursued because they stole a lollipop from the 7-11. So officers thought it was in the best interest of the public to pursue them at speeds up to 130 MPH and risk death or serious injury to everyone.
Good goin' boys…..NOT!
That chase came by hauling a##. At the Indy 500 cars come by at 230 mph for reference.
The word is spelled "try".
What a pit-a-full experience
anyone ever tried programming a speed governor into a car's computer based on GPS location? if it lowered my insurance, I wouldn't have any big problem with that.
90 mph pit. I love it!
Troopers totally need body cams. We miss all the good stuff (foot pursuits, taser deployments etc) 😂😂
Q? If ofc Hensley was waiting for the pursuit, why were no spike strips deployed?
They survived 100mph pit 😳
Reckless pitting at over 100 mph.
I love when they get pitted! These low IQ idiots apparently don't ever watch YouTube in Arkansas🤣
They may not be able to do math but them southern boys can drive.
"We resort to jacking cars now it's not safe for you"……… Kodak Black words from his hit song he put out after being let out of jail early……… almost like the system likes crime…….. enjoy NFL Super Bowl halftime show I'm sure they won't promote crime in that………
Did they get away? Darn.
"Hi….my name is trooper Hensley and I'm going to be your PITer tonight"
Love it !
Great PIT, but just park your cruiser in the adjacent county next time.
Are they running out of Chargers and Challenges! Hahaha!
It's spelled try, not trie.
These chases are becoming more popular than NASCAR. 😂
I wonder why the police cars sit on the shoulder and let the suspect pass them at 100 mph, <then> start to accelerate? Couldn't they start moving before the perp arrives?
Do they have governors on 130mph?
Skillful and Professional, great driving!
Really bad video
Why did park so far away
That trademark rocking back and forth very annoying.