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Join Discord for More Info Send me some stuff! P.O. Box 882195 Port Saint Lucie Florida 34988 Want …
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Do you think you would survive a nuclear attack?
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
Both U.S. and Soviets had over 30,000 nukes during the Cold War.
What game is this?
Eye opener.
But…is only a simulator not a propher game
Most of the nukes would likely hit Montana since we have many silos there
1.7C a 2C change would be catastrophic.
There will be no winners
The Midwest is Ohio to Minnesota. It’s basically the old Northwest Ordinance states.
damn the fireworks look lit, putin better hurry up and put on a good show for us
Question is there some kind of Simulator like this but only With Military War without nukes where the Player can just lean back and enjoy the Show? 😀
Norad (base in the mountains), is no-radiation. It's how the elite tell the truth. Nuclear is a hoax. All they have is dynamite and explosives to make a big mushroom cloud. Tell lie vision selling you f.e.a.r (false evidence appearing real)
Not a new game! There is since 2006 the game defcon which is the same and list death on cities and Co. You play there as one Atom country and attack others
They don't take global unrest into consideration. We would be killing each other more than the initial blasts and nuclear fallout
the only winning move is not to play
and innocent canada survives even though NORAD command is in my home town
If you're interested, theres a really good "gam-ey" version of this called Defcon. And excellent strategic game, although very sobering.
I don't think nuclear winter will happen, we have more warm weather in North with cloudy not sunny day, then in clear sunny weather, I think nuclear clouds will do the same like green house
Scary to think about
I live on easter island ….sux being you outsiders when the nukes start falling
DDG over here getting ready for 2024 🤣
I don't think you're using "decimated" correctly.