We found the most convincing evidence of a haunting happening on tiktok.
Submit Your Scariest tiktoks!👇
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My friends:
Mully: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClS6zI81d6YaDy7yLjrCzEw
Juicy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_YkukM6o3D3GiKnFXLq0vQ
Josh: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0VozPhniGe4Eb2zcju1uw
Narrator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAYfH3griedXBdJX0awJTCg
Gabriela: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ho8fNWiCNRvzD-CskZl7A
Edited by: Oli B https://twitter.com/Oli_B_VR
Yk it took me a second to process that josh and Eddie were in the same room😂
Nukes Top 5 👏🏻👏🏻💜💚
I think I seen a face at 19:03.
He should threaten the ghost, if something happens to ma PC, imma fuckin kms
edit: He needs priests to help me
Idea just Eddie and Josh go visit a haunted place
12:24 you can hear something saying “I’m watching you”
Man is going though lot and he needs a bulbul
maybe he just uses a greenscreen like man costume
for someone who has actually seen ghosts. i find this funny.
also. do you guys not know about Magicians String? it is a string that is practically invisible.
i would haunt him too. he drives an f150. lol
edd i dont know if you will respond but i have proof its fake. Skip to 13: 18-20 in 0.25 speed you can see a string going to the alchohal. have a good one.
I dont know but what I do know is that its jUUmanji! LOL arriba Mexico Eddy!!
the low light and shaking is how he gets away with the cuts, I'm sure of it
THERE's A STRING ON THE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the pepsi can with the top facing the camera has a string, you can see it, and you can kinda see it hanging down to the ground
the guy got lazy, let his guard down
i think hes really good at editing though as it disappears when he starts walking, i think when he moves, he cuts it and maybe adds a bit of a fade in to make it look natural
7:40 see here, if the ghost picked up the shot, sure, but instead it's a bottle being dragged across the table, and it's got the "being pulled by a string motion" where theres a slight tug, stops, then goes again, as if someone is carefully trying to drag it with a string without spilling it. this right here proves it's fake, the rest are strings which can be well hidden, nylon strings are transparent, and you can find some fairly thin strings that are strong
7:55 he never really puts his hand in front of it, and when he picks it up, it wouldn't affect the string at all. also, probably in this case it's edited out. the motion is that of something being dragged by a string carefully
you can hide strings fairly easily, i think a lot of these could be explained like that
Imagine if he invites you to his house and you and the boys go “investigate” @specialedd
At 7:30 I think the dude has an attachment on him. People can be haunted too. Not just the house.
He is being haunted!!!!!!!!!!!!👻👻☠️💥🤤
If you look at the door way in to the night you can see a little orb at 4:31
Nobody gonna talk about how he always knows and records the ghost will do a strange thing
If I was being haunted like that I think I would have to drink to fall asleep too. 😬
Maybe a drunk driving incident. Clearly he drinks a lot and the weird shit only happens when he drinks. So maybe he killed some one in a drunk driving incident and it just wants to fuck with him or sum.
eddievr i thank it is balls i am 8
haha $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Make a video with the guy interviewing him
Eddie: “If that happened in a Mexican house.. I’ll tell you right now, we’d have the Priest over, we’d have Jesus candles, we’d have the Tia la abuela, and everything. We’d set up an alter with Jesus on the cross, we’d be praying. Bro we’d be getting an exorcism on the chair, the shoes, EVERYTHING man. Everything would get cleansed, we’d call nine guan guan.. just in case, and then.. we’d move out.”
Josh the whole time: nod..nod…nod
Ghost takes advantage of a low memtal reaction so makes sense because can be easier to posses and or etc
it’s his sobriety buddy- the ghost is a good person obvi
I need help I’m being haunted and don’t know to do and I’m only 10
Im taller then josh but im 15 like wtf
Ain’t no fucking way any of these are strings, bro a string can’t make picture frames move like that no chance in hell
a couple of ghost paranormal channels have reached out to him in the past, the dude has tried to get sober but the activity never stopped. His tiktoks have been featured on Nike's top 5 as well as Dark Knight horror. The guy needs real help to get rid of his attachment. He's suffered from night terrors from this too.
I had the same experience once I was at a airbnb and a chair moved
We need Eddie to react to Sam and Colby
Imagin if the Ghost gets a beer and play fortnite while he is on vacantion
If the boys were mythical creatures Josh would be a dwarf juicy would be an elf Eddie would be an alien mully would be an orc and narrator would be a unicorn
Maybe the dudes son died and that's why he drinks
19:16 between the little space between the two doors, it looks like a ghost is looking at him through the opening
16:46 I believe this may be a demon (maybe), because if the ghost is doing this RIGHT in front of him, trying to psychologically break him to be able to possess.
Go to the boys dog store
Green screen man
He could use a thread to move everything. He always catch things moving on the camera, that's suspicious