Villagers React To People Are Awesome ! Tribal People React To People Are Insane
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Tribal People / Villagers try different International Food & Gadgets for the first time today Tribal People React to PEOPLE ARE AWESOME for first time. They give pure reaction to the food & things they have never tried. Subscribe to our channel for latest videos.
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Bruh, one of the villagers called the couple gay in part 3:50 of the video 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆
i love babu
Last video is a rocket almost getting out from Earth's atmosphere
I made a chat site perfect for content creators called Musique where people can watch Youtube with others in ANY room. It is perfect for React Content creators.
Good song! I like Babus hat! Love to all!
I think the last thing was the space shuttle reentering the atmosphere.
Half the comments consist of people telling you to stop showing them rubbish TikTok compilations, yet you insist on doing more and more of them.
Question your methodology before you run the channel into the ground.
RIP,,, THE MASTER Shane Warne..Watch the best 10 bowls in Cricket and the 10 best Yorkers by Brett Lee..
Can't wait to see them watch a hip-hop dance battle, pretty please 🙏
LOVE Babu's new turban. He looks like Dame Edna Everage, but in a good way.
I really like Babu's new hat, looks cheerful and fetching
He was right, it was a rocket. A space x falcon 9 rocket.
Its a Rocket Fish 🙂
Ok, I can understand that you want to spice things up a little now and then by showing them something spectacular, but you used to show them more informative video clips on different topics in the past. The channel's quality ought to be maintained because not only are the villagers getting information about things that are unknown to them – we, the viewers – also get to know a little about them and the culture where they live.
I like Babu's new hat!
The world is a circus, focused on the freak show.
8:15 This should be "I agree with you", not "I am agree with you".
Please introduce these Fine GentleMen to Evel Knevel,,,DareDevel StuntMan Extraordinaire the GodFather of extreme sports as we know it today,,,,,truly an "American Son" His story is Facinating…..ThanxGuys Much Love🌎🎬🎶🎶🎶🎶i was digg'n Babu's jam🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶ThanYou Sir.
Prayers to all of you
Well I guess this channel is going into a downward spiral because they are showing the same stuff over and over again and they never they to show the good stuff that is science and history content that they translated and in general teach them as they did 1 year ago .Let’s stop trying to make these people change because it’s clear they aren’t going to listen to us and complaining is just a waste of time and it’s like trying to change the weather,is it gonna change just because you say it to? No so leave them alone and let this channel die on its own or we watch their older videos that are actually good or go to novice squad witch is their second channel with great video’s.
Please have them react to Dimash singing The Story of One Sky. Babu too. 😉
6:48 Babu is a menace XD
History….7 wonders of the World
Native Americans 1700s
Nation Parks
Native Americans living at the bottom of Grand Canyon, mules still deliver mail.
Blue Angeles
Christmas Decorations in the states…extreme homes
Pro fishing
Surfing pros
Walking the high line in NYC
State Fairs in States
Horse racing
Ice Capades clips
Disney Land
Love this channel
Just need to mix it up
Show them some dance troupes or some Cris Angel that would really blow their minds
The Spiderman clip really ties the video together.
Maybe you could show them American Ninja Warrior. Everyday people competing on obstacle courses.
They have seen too much of these, please show them something else
Those free time stunts are great and all, but I still hope you will show them something about the work of professional stuntmen some day. A compilation of the most spectacular movie stunts would be cool. I'm sure they'd enjoy to watch that.
And also: Did they never do soap bubbles?! That'd be something to catch up on! 😀
@common man Show: First I thought, this is a nice channel. But after watching a lot of your Videos, I am wondering about your work. Did you have no other ideas? Is your goal really to show these nice people this stupid things about the complete degenerated so called "western world"? Did you have no other ideas to confront these nice Villagers with other stuff, that was making sense? Sorry, I am disappointed about this trash. At some point it seems to me as if you are leading these people through the circus ring of the YouTube world. Sad. Very sad stuff.
Beautiful song
The channel is loosing its purpose
Give them informative topics.
Fun, and they sure enjoyed it, but bit more variety, yeah. Are travel videos that show different cultures that tightly restricted? I'd think some of those the makers would want spread around more, so might not have so many limits. They haven't seen much of other countries for a while. All sorts of things, from music (Chinese opera, Japanese taiko drumming – Babu would love that) to indigenous competitions (Mongolian mounted games, wrestling), Turkish oil wrestling, ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece (how about Alexander the Great?), building the great Medieval cathedrals, Paleolithic cave paintings…
I miss intro, also, show them some different stuff. This is nice and all, but it is just the same over and over again.
U guys are just making them react on same stuffs….show them some science history…or other stuffs too
N y guys even removed the introduction part ky kr rhe ..bhai…. intrest hi nhi arha..