Rule 1 don't touch a jellyfish no matter if its dead or alive my friend got into a 5 month coma after touching a dead one
He already dying
I like jellyfish🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
one time I found a jellyfish it bleaching on the beach so I picked it up and put it in the water I saw it not moving and was lifeless and I saw a crap eating it so that means that all of your jellyfish rescue videos are all dead jellyfishes that are being thrown into the ocean
Did you just literally kissed
Sit by myself Talking to the Moon I try to get to you
why you always kiss the ocean animals?
'In order to save ocean life he lost his life'
He be like "kisses" then bwaaab
katawa ko nimo😂
That is a not jelly fish
wait do I see foot steps in the sand by the jelly fish like you put it there or stepped back and video then saved it
it was already dead
That is so kind of you
👄 phhhww
Come on Sandy boy
Bleach 🤢
I hate to say this it look likesomthing else
Why did you copy what he said
Aninal rescue island tycoon but RTX on be like😂😂:
He is kissing
kiss spit
Jellyfish: 👁👄👁
Rule 1 don't touch a jellyfish no matter if its dead or alive my friend got into a 5 month coma after touching a dead one
He already dying
I like jellyfish🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
one time I found a jellyfish it bleaching on the beach so I picked it up and put it in the water I saw it not moving and was lifeless and I saw a crap eating it so that means that all of your jellyfish rescue videos are all dead jellyfishes that are being thrown into the ocean
Did you just literally kissed
Sit by myself Talking to the Moon I try to get to you
why you always kiss the ocean animals?
'In order to save ocean life he lost his life'
He be like "kisses" then bwaaab
katawa ko nimo😂
That is a not jelly fish
wait do I see foot steps in the sand by the jelly fish like you put it there or stepped back and video then saved it