Today we explore Ghosts, ghost hunters, poltergeists, and general paranormal activity all caught on camera. We analyze mysterious and unexplainable events that fans have caught on tape. Mysterious Events are getting caught on tape all around the world.
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video music by:
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0,
CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA,
myuu: https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji
Haunting Dreams by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://www.twinmusicom.org/song/249/haunting-dreams
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org
If you own the copyright of the content shown in this video and would like it to be removed please contact::
► frostmaretv@gmail.com
For the “weird capture” video where it looks like they are dragging a bag, unless that is a very tiny person, the height ratio is off as they are walking next to the bicycle. And if you study the left side of the “bag” it looks like feet. So to me it looks like a lady with long hair crawling backwards on all fours. The movement of the “legs” and “bag” as a whole suggests this.
the clip at 14:34 totally looks like a woman walking backwards on her hands and feet you can even see the feet move backwards individually
Ghost videos don't normally scare me but the one with the attic was creepy AF
I sleep the light on and always
It looks like they open the door from the outside and went in
People have demonic things in their home and then are surprised when they have demons in their home.
Kingfrostmare good time
@caspersight do a video on this. 😮
I love listening to your comentary vids!!
BTW the one at 14:10 looks like someone doing the backwards crab walk in baggy clothes. Notice their front hands are positioned like they are leaning backwards, knees bent upwards, etc. Crabwalk at night to freak anyone out watching the CTV footage. lol
The one at 15:00 is just someone walking backwards on all fours. Nothing more.
Hi Frostmare!! I always forget how amazing you are until the next video. Great video!!!!! Some never before seen footage which I LOVE! Thank you so much!!!!!
That first one is someone wearing a hoodie. It's not a spirt
I love these kind of videos, they don't scare me as i see black shadow people all the time. One appeared above my kitchen door and i ran to catch it on video but it was gone, the other shadow was at my mums, i went into the kitchen looked back and a figure walked into her bedroom, soon as i went in to see what it was, it had gone. I never get hurt well least not yet lol but i did wake up once to scratch's on my arm and back, i put it down to me doing it while i slept lol. I'm thinking of installing indoor camera's to see if i can catch them
a very scary video to be scared in the evening we will have nightmares 🤣
Closed attic door… Clarke Griswold. Lol Great video!❤🙏😊👻
3:30 sorry guys, this screams fake to me. Maybe I should send some of my GENUINE captures of the paranormal to king frostmare? I’ve been doing investigations since 2007 and have tons of videos, pictures, and EVPs. Any special request?
I Hope the shadow figur at ca. Minute 7 is not to scared of the Woman with green (or whatever) hair
Yet another brilliant upload Frostmare. Always watch your uploads as soon as I spot them. Thanks for all the work you put into keeping me scared! 💝☺️👍
~~WEIRD CAPTURE~~ When originally saw it struck me in way I couldn't quite put my finger. Upon seeing it again,though, it's way it the walks&something I remember doing as kid just messing around. With your arms behind you leaning back w/'legs bent towards you knees up,lift your ass off the ground&walk backwards. Awkward to do no matter how many times you do it but doable if slow&steady try to go faster you'll start to/will lose balance. Which this person almost did going by the set of bikes there&see their right foot when the leg comes bit higher wearing skirt/something to hide legs. Can also make out the hands at the base of what arms not legs.
~~If you've never tried it do&see the walk's exactly the same no matter who does it?
The clip from the water ride where something chased them underwater is 1 major reason I refuse to tide that kind of ride.
Need Pühakirjad aitavad paljastada langenud ingli loomus või nende olemus!
Esimene Moosese raamat6:Aadama järeltulijad
1 Ja kui inimesi hakkas maa peal palju saama ja
neile sündis tütreid,
2 siis nägid Jumala pojad, et inimeste tütred olid
ilusad, ja nad võtsid enestele naisi kõigist neist, keda nad
välja valisid.
3 Aga Issand ütles: „Minu Vaim ei pea igavesti
jääma inimesse, sest ta on ikkagi ainult liha. Olgu ta elupäevi
sada kakskümmend aastat!”
4 Sel ajal, ja veel pärastpoolegi, kui Jumala pojad
heitsid inimeste tütarde juurde ja need neile lapsi ilmale tõid,
olid hiiglased maa peal: needsamad vägimehed, kes muistsest
ajast on kuulsad mehed.
Jeesus Siirak 16:7 Jumal ei andestanud muistsetele hiiglastele,
kes oma vägevuses temast taganesid.
Neljas Moosese raamat13:33 Me nägime seal hiiglasi, Anaki poegi hiiglaste soost: me olime iseendi silmis nagu rohutirtsud ja samasugused olime meie ka nende silmis.”
Baaruk 3:
26 Seal sündisid hiiglased,
kuulsad muistsest ajast,
pikakasvulised sõjakangelased.
27 Neid aga Jumal ei valinud
ega andnud neile tarkuse teed.
28 Nad hukkusid,
sest neil ei olnud tarkust,
hukkusid rumaluse pärast.
Matteuse evangeelium 17:18 Ja Jeesus sõitles kurja vaimu ja kuri vaim läks poisist välja
ning sellest hetkest sai poiss terveks.
Apostlite teod 19:15 Ent kuri vaim kostis neile: „Jeesust ma tunnen ja Paulust
ma tean, aga kes teie olete?”
16 Ja inimene, kelles oli kuri vaim, kargas neile kallale, sai
võimust nende üle ja võitis nad ära, nii et nad
alasti ja haavatuna põgenesid sellest kojast.
Pauluse esimene kiri korintlastele 10:19 Mida ma siis nüüd ütlen? Kas seda, et ebajumalaohver
on midagi? Või et ebajumal on midagi?
20 Ei! Vaid ma ütlen, et seda, mida ohverdatakse, ei ohverdata
Jumalale, vaid kurjadele vaimudele. Aga ma ei taha, et teie
saaksite kurjade vaimude kaaslasteks.
Pauluse teine kiri korintlastele 11:14 Ja see ei ole ime, sest saatan ise moondab ennast valguse
15 Seepärast ei ole midagi erilist, kui ka tema teenrid endid
moondavad õiguse teenriteks. Nende eluots tuleb nende tegude
Pauluse kiri efeslasstele 6:12 Meil ei tule ju võidelda inimestega, vaid
meelevaldade ja võimudega, selle pimeduse
maailma valitsejatega, kurjade taevaaluste vaimudega.
Peetruse teine kiri 2:4 Jah, Jumal ei säästnud patustanud ingleidki, vaid tõukas
nad põrgupimeduse soppidesse kinnipidamiseks kuni kohtuni.
Juuda kiri 1:5 Aga ma tahan meenutada teile, kes te seda kõike küll
juba teate, et Issand, kui ta kord oli päästnud rahva
Egiptusemaalt, teisel korral hukkas uskmatud,
6 ning et ta ingleidki, kes ei hoidnud kinni oma
päritolust, vaid hülgasid oma eluaseme, säilitab pilkase
pimeduse all jäädavais ahelais suure päeva kohtuni.