Wild animals in their natural habitat are impressive, and in the wild world there are deadly battles. In today ‘s video we are going to show you the deadliest fights in the animal world that were captured on video. Come on .
Leopard and wild boar.
Due to hunger, carnivorous animals at the top of the food chain need to hunt to feed themselves and the leopard is no different. Here we can see the moment when a mother boar realizes that a leopard has hunted her cub, the animal goes into despair and tries to attack the leopard, but the first attack is unsuccessful, but due to its persistence the boar attacks again, managing to chase away the leopard and saving his son.
Scorpio and the SPIDER.
These are two animals famous for being venomous, and have venom capable of leading an adult human to death in a few minutes depending on the dosage. In this section these insects were put to fight by humans to test who is stronger, during the battle we can see a moment when it seems that the spider has lost the battle and shows itself with an injured paw then the scorpion caught in its claws, but the battle was not over, until the spider discovered that the scorpion’s weak point was the tail, after so much struggle the scorpion stung the spider and the spider managed to bite the scorpion’s tail and the two insects died due to the powerful poison they possess and no one turned out to be stronger.
GNU and COW.
Both cattle, considered animals of the same family, face each other in a very fast battle. Both with very temperamental behaviors, they don’t usually meet but when by chance they end up meeting, a big fight starts . Since both animals are large and have attacks characterized by shocks with the head. After a head-on collision between the two, the Victoria of the wildebeest is clearly visible, as it has a much stronger head, although its size is much smaller compared to the cow, after the shock the cow remains on the ground and the wildebeest is strong. and stays upright after the crash.
ONÇA and the alligator.
These are animals at the top of the food chain and extremely terrible in their territories, being animals from different territories that are almost never seen face to face in battle, but hunger on this occasion led the jaguar to experience new obstacles to ensure its survival. , here we see that the jaguar had to face a terrible alligator inside a river, after a strong battle the jaguar won, and proved that it can be strong even outside its territory.
Crocodile and anaconda.
The anaconda is one of the most feared snakes due to its size, with the attack characterized by wrapping itself around its prey and attacking with a strong bite to the head, and the crocodile, not far behind with its attacks characterized by a strong bite with its powerful jaw. The two meet on the bank of a river, but at first the anaconda runs away after seeing the crocodile and enters the river on another bank, but the crocodile follows in anticipation of having a feast, after meeting again the crocodile attacks the snake with a bite on the head, the snake tries unsuccessfully to wrap itself around the crocodile, but the crocodile was stronger and managed to wound the snake to death, thus guaranteeing its feast.