Send YOUR clips to KARNAGEfails5@hotmail.com to potentially feature in next weeks episode! Let’s shoot for 2,000 LIKES for this episode?!
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Clips by:
1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb_RsaNMmPEnGKh65vfz5gQ
2. https://www.youtube.com/user/SocialSuperman2k12
3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCQb3-WlxQA85Av_4GDu-qQ
4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1l8xsTDhkJrIPmKgHQ2T8Q
5. https://www.youtube.com/user/hollaatkylee
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Music by Tobu
Tweets by tobuofficial
These all suck ass
My mum said that if I get 100 subs, she will hit me on my face, please help me
Best bo3 fail, the supply drop system like if u agree
Anyone wanna spawn trap msg my PS4 name blackboy-_-Xx looking hardcore spawn trap with brecci on nuke town
anyone else notice FAZE blazekin in the first one
you should do a hard point kill only challenge
I feel sorry for 2. thats bs
espresso thnx you commented on my clip perfectly it's the ultimate wtf glitch
How did my care package that never arrived not make it to top 5
O Ye my boi willkill! Check his YouTube out!
1000th like
Win SnD as a only planting and defusing no kills aloud. Obviously when u plant ur gonna have to distract the enemy team.
I WAS #1 yay. Plz SUB to my channel for more cool clips and thnk you karnage clan for submitting my clip.
This video was trash, "Really awesome clips for you" yeah right
2nd one was a care pack
Do a challeng where the person with the most kills gets last place on the team
This was absolutely fucking atrocious 😂😂😂 the worst one ever. I used to really like this series but it's so repetitive now 😥
Playing tdm on nuketown?? Are you sure about that
Number 2 should of been first
Hope you realize that the dart crashing has happened to everyone
I have worse luck than all of them. In three days in a row. I have lagged out of 3 – 5 games a day due to the hist dashboarding. THREE DAYS IN A ROW!!
This one sucked
Im really the only person who saw Blazikens Gamertag in the first clip. OMG
For the last fails of the week (bo3) do top ten fails of all time from ur previous vids
my life is perfect for one of these vids. it's a fail!! lol xD
check out my sniper montage! wanna join the clan? just tell me
good job keep up the great videos!
Last one was fake cause the head shakes were in time with the music.
#2 was funny 😂😂
IDK these top 5s aren't really that great anymore number 1 and 2 were good but 3 and 4 were things we have seen like 40 times in other top 5s and number 5 wasn't even really a fail worth putting in this list.
Hope you guys are enjoying the series 🙂
The dart thing was stupid
who has bo3 and wants to trick shot with me gamer tag bobdung136
Im under 1000 views… Holy shit
hey guys
Ignore: you get haunted
Sub: your crush likes you and harambe will come back.
@ harmbre would love this vid
Last time I was this early these videos were funny
Love your vids expresso
The first one has happened sooo many times, even happened yesterday actually…
Team challenge idea – let the team get to 199 in domination then comeback 200 – 199, hard but not impossible