IDIOTS IN CARS 2023 #3 || CAR CRASH COMPILATION ! Total Idiots At Work | Total Idiots in Cars.
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idiots in cars,car crash compilation,Fails complete,TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK,bad day at work,funny fails,fails of the week,idiot at work,idiots at work compilation,fail compilation,idiots in car,total idiots in cars,idiot drivers,fails truck,try not to laugh,funny videos,fails videos,bad day videos,car crash,truck crash,driving fails,car crashes,crash car,bad drivers,car accident,driving fail,bad driver,car crash fails,road rage,crash,
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For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. J o h n 3 :16
Дебилы на дорогах общего пользования..
yeah right – kubrik. music changes everything. lol. f*** off
All these accidents could have been avoided if no one was driving.
Absolutely ridiculous and stupid music 👎🏻
The thumbnail be like💀
Texas truck drivers after 1/16th inch of snow fall on the ground:
man this song is so nice whats the name of it?
Couldn't even watch it. Stupid music. And who wants to watch a muted video?
Нельзя быть такими водятлами…
Thanks for the migraine.
A lot of stupidity
I don't fucking trust any of you. I want nothing to do with any of you. Friends dont manipulate people into shit, take their life away from them, destroy their relationship and family and then act like they're giving the person some kind of a gift. I warned you all over and over again and you just wont fucking stop. Keep going with this shit, I dare you..please do
А нахрена кадры переворачивать слева на право?
человек самое опасное животное
причем сразу понимаешь где рашка
10 Glenside Street Balgowlah Heights
Some of the worst drivers I have ever seen. Almost every accident was preventable in this video
Hard to believe there are this many stupid and ignorant people in the world
russians…need i say more?
Try to add louder music next time
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