Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/DisasterOnCamera Unexplained and massive NATURAL DISASTERS captured on …
Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/DisasterOnCamera Unexplained and massive NATURAL DISASTERS captured on …
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"unexplained"? No… When it rains a lot, floods happen. When it's cold, it snows. When it's really windy, like a hurricane or a tornado, it's windy and sometimes wet. When earthquakes happen, buildings shake and sometimes tsunamis happen. Pretty simple stuff actually…
7:57 It was really scary that the swing was spinning like that
Nothing is " unexplained " in this video
God bless you and your family, i hope they get over it. ЁЯЩП
Die Natur kann so grausam sein
Das war schon immer so und wird sich nie ├дndern.
Man kann nur hoffen das es einen nie selber trifft.
Aber manchmal frag ich mich warum manche Menschen nicht davon laufen,erkennen sie die Gefahr nicht? Warum lachen manche noch?
Thanks for the upload I can't get enough of these videos. Mother nature Madness