We need to shout about these games for a bit.
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Ok, but unless youre a die hard atari fan the atar compilation will be a collection of 100 garbage games
Top 10 side scrollers on newer consoles or top 10 retro inspired games of the new age. Plus tbh just to give me new games to get stuck in about. Loved the new TMNT so anything like that let's gooooooo
I don't remember rewinding time in It Takes Two.
I also implore people to check out a game called Anno Mutationem.
What's insane to me about how far games have come is that the Atari collection with over 100 games takes up less space than a single character model, hell, weapon model in a modern game.
My favorite little bit of trivia is that a modern day image of the original Legend of Zelda's logo, just an image, is a larger file than the ENTIRE original game. That's just nuts lol.
Is this channel boycotting hogwarts legacy?
Is this woman a joke or what..Not only are most of these games mid and very unmemorable, but they are nearly all generic cut and paste clones of better games..Did she literally just randomly picgames from a store cause nothing here is a must play. And why do game urinalist keep acting likeindie games are not very popular and successful these days…No one is missing anything , they are just passing on the bellow average games.
It's not TECHNICALLY recent, but Darkwood is absolutely fantastic. The perfect horror survival with no stupid jumpscares. I play it on Xbox and I think that's why it's still sort of new to me. But I think it's great
Death's Door is a masterpiece.
Where’s the Hi Fi Rush or Hogwarts Legacy coverage
Several of these weren't really on my radar, so thanks for shouting them out!
I have Chasm but haven't had the chance to play it yet, looking forward to that.
I'm currently playing Tunic and I love it, but after seeing this Death's Door actually does look a bit more to my liking.
I've heard great things about Chained Echoes and I feel like I need to play it, even if it's exactly the type of game I've avoided with age because I'm prone to giving in to time-sinks (which has led to me mostly sort of avoiding JRPGs altogether unfortunately).
No interest in nostalgic game compilations though, I gotta draw the line somewhere haha.
As someone who does have most of these games, I absolutely agree with all of these picks and will be supporting those that I have yet to. I don't know if they are overlooked either, but I would also recommend Cultic and Signalis (at least off the top of my head. there were so many great indie games in 2022). Both are fantastic entries for each of their respective genres.
My pic would be Little Noah: Scion of Paradise. It's a great rouge-like with monster collecting elements. One of the best games I played this year.
Chained echos is that good. Get it, play it, be happy
Wife Quest and Wildfire are two games I think deserve more attention. Honestly, I think most indie games in general need more attention. They're better than most "AAA" crap that is currently spewing out right now.
Fuga Melodies of Steel
C.A.R.L. by Nintendrew is freakin amazing I wish more people played it
Death's Door was on sale for $10 on PSN last month. Just nailed the platinum trophy, and I gotta say, it's possibly the best $10 I've ever spent🥰🥰🥰
I can only assume it won't be on this list but if anyone is looking for an awesome survival horror, go pick up Signalis. Amazing game with the reviews everywhere to back it up. Go play Signalis ya'll. 😘👌
Everhood isn’t on pSN store
Do “genres you didn’t know were niche because of the popularity of a few titles” (like fighting games, character action, rhythm, etc)
Woowho downloaded chained echos on a whim 😅
The specific music track you have playing in the background of this video is very overpowering and somewhat grading. Great video otherwise
They should have said the prices for games in the list too
I'm actually playing Chained Echoes now!
Chained Echoes is incredibly mid with nothing about the game being original.
Hogwarts Legacy has been totally
Overlooked by you. I wonder why 🥱🤔❄️