Removing Monster Mango worms From Helpless Dog! Animal Rescue Video 2022
Hello Guys, Welcome back to my channel, In this video I have to show you about you’ll see how I deal with my condition.
Love you guys💕
Thank you for watching 💕
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Happy puppy
This video is stolen
Eating them is sweet revenge.
Скажите пожалуйста,это бездомные собачки или домашние?
Dejarles de sacarle gusanos q asco déjenlos háganse vosotros el daño burros
People that let their pet's get in this condition should be caged and treated just like the animal was.
It’s “Thank you for watching” not Thanks you. Learn some English while you’re stealing videos. Loser.
Great worm video, not enough squirting though. More squirting less flute playing.
Gas no les dejen comer esos gusanos a los perritos
Porque nao deixa passar tudo a retirada do resto dos bichos sendo tirado
Le quitan los gusanos y se los dejan al lado y va el animal y se los come, joderrrrr como hacen esto.
Todos los vídeos del Dr
Gambia son repetidos no
Me gustan
Thank you
I don't know how I even got here but is anyone else's skin and scalp freakishly itchy right now??? I can't stop scratching myself. Must have mango worms
E deixa o cãozinho comer?
This is stolen from Dr. Misha Meyer of Vet Clinic Gambia and Cordylobia Anthropophaga
Stolen from Rise Up Society Fan Page.
You are letting puppy eat the worms 🤮
This is not a stray dog it's Spike
Thief! Another stolen video from Dr. Micha Myers from the vet clinic in Gambia.
All the videos on this channel are stolen from other YouTube channels. You should be ashamed of yourself!
Essas pragas não cuida dos animais deixa ficar nessa situação
Please Don't let them eat them.
All this Videos are stolen from Vetclinic Gambia in Africa!!!
Ma non vedi che le sta mangiando?qui c'è qualcosa che non torna.le togli e lui le mangia.