A legendary Texas Ranger is called out of retirement to hunt down a band of Comanche warriors led by an equally legendary chief clad in Old Spanish armor. Don’t miss one of the most bizarre scenes in Old West history on this episode of @historyattheokcorral
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Links to sources:
“Texas Rangers” by Walter Prescott Webb https://a.co/d/e225k4G
“RIP Ford’s Risky Ranger Raid” by Mike Coppock
And I should feel bad for american Indians 😕 well I don't we won thank God
How far would you go to defend your way of life
“Comanche Raiders” when they are on their own land, ok lol.
Is that Old RIP FORD? The man carried Two Walker Colts in the Rangers. I think he was a Col. in the CSA Army. I also think he fought in the last battle of the Civil War. RIP meant Rest in Peace.
Not very P.C. but true! It’s always the pioneers who can’t live peacefully with the Indians? Plenty of
room for us all. Good Bless Texas! 🤘🤠🤘
A well done video on the struggles of Native American Comanche vs the Texas Rangers and their Allies. One could almost picture this battle taking place. With your ability to describe it in your video. 💪🏻🙏🏻✨
The Commaches reciprocated the ALL ENCOMPASSING BARBARISM Europeans UNLEASHED upon their civilization, thereby destroying TIMELESS TRADITIONS.
So what is the moral of your story???
Read : Indian Depridations in Texas by Wilbarger
The definition of opening a can of whoop ass.
Ok- so you need to start with where the commanches came from. They were part of the Shoshones in the Great Basin – eastern oregon- nevada- Idaho part of wyoming. They moved south toward texas and mexico to get near the supply of horses. They adopted border war ethos- hence the killing.
Bruce Peek
Great information and presentation. Does anyone know the site where this battle took place? It would make a great documentary .
That’s a Tonka we’re justified in their revenge
I say YES to all of your questions. We cannot judge the combatants of either side by 20th and 21st century standards.
The Commanches exterminated many small tribes. If the white man had come 500 years later, it is thought all other tribes would have been exterminated in a country wide genocide..
The repeating rifle and theColt revolver changed the equation on the plains.
Hmmm…who is braver? A native with bow and arrow trying to keep invaders off or near their lands? Or people with rifles and colt revolvers?
Thanks for this video . After enjoying all the cowboy and cavalry stories all my days …and I am over sixty and a Brit interested in all human history … you tell me about and map a country I had never heard of in America , Comancheria . What a large area it was too . I approve of your honest history telling . Subscribed to hear more about real US history as a result . All the Best .
They have no land now?
So that’s where the Parkers got their Indian blood from I have a good friend his mother was a Parker and he ( Jackie) told me he had Indian blood and where his family came from. He was a real friend he became a Deputy Sheriff I had to make him fight in junior high school. He didn’t want too but the guy kept bullying him so I told him finally if you don whip him I am gonna whip you and he fought and cried the whole time but he Won after that he wasn’t a coward anymore he became a Fine. Man. Rip. Jackie
I know Some of the. Ford s they are some of the Finest People I have ever been friends with real people hard working
Kei . Chi. Means to attack in Chinese
Reason the Tonkawa had stripped Comanche flesh from what stragglers they caught was that they practiced cannibalism.And I believe Cynthia Parker had recieved a visit by her relatives in the presence of Nakoma during some horse trading sometime before this event and had refused an offer to try and escape back with them and Nacoma wasn't doing any trading for her. They said she was pretty standoffish by then.. They wrote about that somewhere that escapes my memory now.
Her Brother was young enough to be assimilated into the Quahadi which the Comanche were known to do. On the way back from a raid in Mexico he took ill with smallpox and was left there with a captive girl. Having better resistance to smallpox than the natives he survived and I'm not sure what happened after with him although I believe they stayed together. I've heard about that a couple places, one being somewhere on Youtube. Maybe a poster named "Unworthy History" that references old accounts or possibly You?
When you get as old as I'm getting sometimes the lights are on but nobodies home, lol. .
Great. Thanks. Love the history of the West. Great narration and pics.
Keep in mind that, in his regiment, Civil War vet Wil Andersen was known as "Old Iron Pants"