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NTD News Today—2/9/2023
01:33 Mass Burial Begins as Quake Toll Tops 19,000
02:08 Quake Survivors Bemoan Lack of State Help
05:07 In Death, Syrian Refugees Return Home
06:48 Spy Balloon Briefing
10:51 Top WH Cyber Official to Retire Next Week
11:28 GOP Takes on Biden’s Waters of the U.S. Rule
13:40 $191B+ in Pandemic Benefits Improperly Paid
14:18 SD House Passes Election Security Bill
14:50 Senator John Fetterman Hospitalized
15:32 2nd NJ Council Member Found Dead in a Week
16:09 More Details of ABC Producer’s Death Emerge
17:20 White House Considers Deporting Non-Mexican Illegal Immigrants to Mexico
18:17 NYC Pays for Illegal Immigrants’ Travel North
19:04 FL: Over 100 Migrants Land in Tavernier Key
19:37 Disney to Cut 7,000 Jobs to Save Costs
21:20 FL House to Vote on Disney Special District
22:19 Senator Wants Min. Age for Social Media Use
22:57 1988 Airplane Bomb Suspect Pleads Not Guilty
24:03 Norfolk Southern Faces Class Action Lawsuit
24:44 Nearly 5M Bottles Fabuloso Cleaner Recalled
25:19 AZ Bill to Ban Killing of Alpine Wild Horse
26:01 Helicopter Hunters Shoot Feral Hogs in Texas
28:25 Driver Charged After Bus Rams Canada Daycare
30:54 AUS. Orders Review into Chinese-Made Cameras
32:25 China-Focused Joint Air Drills Carried Out
34:48 Zelenskyy: No Free Europe If No Free Ukraine
36:00 Putin Says West Loses by Leaving Russia
36:42 Russian Seniors Live on Expired Food
38:00 Inquiry Links Russia to 2014 Flight Tragedy
41:54 Brazil Agencies Raid Illegal Gold Miners
42:40 Study Finds City Trees Reduce Heatwave Deaths
45:10 Workers Clean Pile of Trash in Serbian Lake
47:17 Group Finds Unexpected Ring Around Planet
48:09 Arizona Ready to Host Super Bowl 57
50:06 Brands Pay Big for Super Bowl Ad Opportunity
52:19 NFL Stars Play in Ping Pong Tournament
53:42 NFL Commissioner: NFL Football Going Global
54:41 Man Busted for Monkey Theft from Dallas Zoo
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#MassBurials #QuakeEpicenter #Turkey #GOP #Biden #USRule
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NTD.. what is happening here? TWO Republican Counil Members MURDERED in a week.. and you say They Were Found Dead In Their Car??? No.. They were found MURDERED. That poor Female, African American was shot point blank in her face in her car, in front of her home… SEVEN TIMES. Did that not seem like a relevant part of the story?
Everyone knows it was Ukraine that shot that plane down in 2014
Considering the Chinese balloon, the Chinese can give that info to Russia.
When do we find out how they got US equipment on the balloon? Who sold it to them?
well this is a tragic event I remember the 89 earthquake in the US and nobody in my community or the ceramic unities waiting for the government to come save us. We did it ourselves Farmers and Construction workers brought their tractors and equipment to move rubble residents picked up debris by hand. Family members and strangers from surrounding communities drove in food, medical and fuel. Companies like Anheuser Busch and Pepsi delivered pallets of canned drinking water. The police and fire department continued to do their jobs and the public augmented their efforts or Covered those duties in their entirety were necessary. Even the local criminals watch their behavior because most household are armed and wouldn’t doozy Astec defend their families or neighborhoods from looters or other such criminality. The few criminals that decided to travel to take advantage of our situation learned very quickly and sometimes Permanently the mistake they made.
Bet not sell them piglets in the grocery sto. 🙄☹😱😰😨🐝🐝🐝, on the 👀👀👀Out!!!!!
Thank you Kevin and NTD News 📰. Appreciate all y’all do to bring us the Truth News 📰. All day long Yahoo 😅
Former Rear Admiral Gurel Kaynak imprisoned only 2 weeks ago was Commander Destroyer Squadron 5 in Turkey's navy. He was away on leave when the coup attempt occured in Turkey several years ago. Today he is imprisoned taken away from his new duties as Chief of Maritime Operations with the IntSAR disaster response program. Great timing President Erdoğan. How many of these political prisoners from your own military are not available to serve in this massive disaster relief effort while Thousands upon thousands of Turkish people are dying under the rubble?
Please explain?
and, workers are doing their job, they are cleaning the lake… yeeeeeeah … thats a news that everyone should hear
ok, i dont want to hear shit bullshit/ trees are good for people? and u needed a research to know that? wtf ????????????
people learn that at 6 y old …
"I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams." -Oprah Winfrey
Ya! They say it’s been going on even in Trump time? ThaT means that generals over our military take it upon themselves to not inform our President? Biden let go all around our country collecting info. What deal does he have with China? His shooting it down was for show! In reality he let China collect info. I bet China has the honey trap on him? I bet China will lie for Biden and son in the upcoming investigation. As for the Disney can go to hell. Will not bring my children to pedotheme Park.
re: these stupid baloon distractions… improve targeting? bunk! stop it
Warning to illegal aliens crossing Texas border. DO NOT USE THE HOG COSTUMES THE COYOTES ARE HANDING OUT.
Fetterman has been light headed since puberty.
Prayers and condolences to all I Turkey and Syria for all the loss, pain and suffering through these horrible earthquakes.
They got HARPED!!!
Um who's you're God TURKEY. PFF!!!! Some Savior.!
Trump started the Billion Tree Planting Plan over 2 years ago. Can't you toads work together?
You hate Donald that much do you???? Toads one and all!
Leaders 👎
Lawmakers 👎
Congress Representatives 👍
That guy is a "senior" exec. Why, he's still wet behind the ears!
People forget-over 200,000 died in Haiti earthquake.
Democrats playing dumb they think is their strength.
Chinese are a weird people. Don't trust them.
Lousy Turkey leaders. So sorry, our dear brothers and sisters.
America needs a strong leadership now! What Americans are dealing with is weak president and might possibly be a puppet for China CCP! The swamp has yet to be dealt with, democratic national party/republicans. Officials are elected to be a service broker as a representative of the people! Instead, they are out of touch with reality and concerned with their careers!
Heard found a baby still attached to mothers umbilical cord Mother dead – 😢
Don’t challenge GOD .
Muslims will eventually. Wake up
He’s honest Kevin animal thief 🤷♂️
New planet🧐
Good to see the evil disney co laying off workers. Go woke, go broke. Biggest peddler of child trafficking. ALL security cameras in Australia are made in chinkland. Maybe the Aus gov will start removing the speed and red light scameras from Australian roads to stop the theft of the people's monies into the hands of wealthy private companies.
Drop a Wolfpack in Texas consisting of 10 that will balance out your pig/boar population
Great job👏👏👏 alpine horse
China have paid Hunter, Joe and his brother for this service a long time ago
Those poor Syrians can’t catch a break. 🙏
I would like to hear how the other Countries responded to the Balloon flying over their air space and spying on their Country! does anyone know if others have shot them down?
What kind of arsehole gets off on killing wild hogs with automatic weapons.
water is full of chemtrail chemicals
Kiev is propery pronounced Key-Ev'. The accent is on the second syllable. This is the way it has been pronounced for generations. Who told western news orgs that it is Keev?
Sooo sorry
sounds so little with such loss.
Know that many from different countries, race, religion, etc… have you in their prayers all days and months to come. 😢🙏🏼❤
We keep talking about the growing threat of China but most of the world talks about us and how we assume we have the right to rule the world. We invade anyone we like without approval from Congress. We fund countless proxy wars. We allow terrorist states to attack their enemies as much as they want then we go to their defense if the country they attacked retaliates. We spend billions of dollars for bases all over the world and billions more for maintaining our equipment. Let China take our place then we can use all this wasted money at home. Just think how nice our roads or how clean our water would be if we weren't wasting all this money trying to be the world's police. Let China have it so we can focus on our people like we should be. We could end homelessness across the entire country. We could fund our parks and local communities. We could even lower taxes as we would have a major surplus not paying for the militaries non-essential needs.
We are in the time of sorrows. Repent. For the coming for the Lord is so very soon. A blind man could see we are living in the end times. "For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." – Matthew 24:37, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." – John 3:16
😥😥😥I feel hopless
🙏🙏🙏🙏 for the people of Turkey the ground shakes with fury. 🙏 For all the 🌎. As volcanos and earthquakes will erupt in one place after the other.