look at this awesome people doing things that are impossible to do, well some of them. but still amazing.
look at this awesome people doing things that are impossible to do, well some of them. but still amazing.
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2:01 is not awesome.. its stupid please tell the bus driver to hang himself if he wants to die and dont risk the passenger lives
People are awesome when don't do stupid things that also called fails, admit.
A cada 80 quilômetros AAAAAAAAHH!
the awesome part was not killing the guy on the scooter
Dat drift, tho…
Mount and blade?
0:52 is El Shsarawy?!?! 😀
Guyzz if you're not gay check out my channel haha
@2:11 I got to KU, legit!
Damn the cup guy is fast
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he had to swerev to miss the other car and not kill the guy on the bike
0:40 very aweosome that was vrey awesone and extremely hard to do
2:20 for you drifters
1:06 awesome 😉
the skater-guy were twice in the video 😀
The end
3:32 <3
N u had to swear for that comment.. nice!!
thats perfect. my mom got shocked when she received the ipad3 from this website on behalf of me. dont think its funny, make sure you tell the address and email properly to send the giftbox. rush it here -> bit.ly/1e5KCGq?=nqwwzm
I am not sure how driving too fast and nearly flipping a bus over makes you awesome.
Oh gee, now your saying we should go and steal the software that lets us do that. But I wonder, will my computer be able to run those programs?
U showed one clip two times