Since my latest video “YouTube’s Fake Animal Rescue Channels” I decided to do a bit more digging in the fake animal rescue genre. And what I found was a disturbing connection between multiple channels, that seems to be a legitimate animal abuse ring right here on YouTube.
The Channels Discussed:
KM Daily
Happy Dog
The Rescue Journey TV
Love Rescue Animals
Animal Lighthouse
Little Furry Friends
Animal SafeGaurd
The Rescue Journey
Haunted by CO.AG – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0WjL4phiuk
The Lost by CO.AG – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpowIDAOMhc&t=3s
A Dark Myth by CO.AG – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXbb7cuGf5M&t=103s
Confusion by REPULSIVE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tO5K4A6JcM
Thanks for helping me spread the word about this ❤️ All the names of the channels are in the description (I can’t link to them bc YouTube could remove the video for targeted harassment)
The fact that this stuff is still happening 💔💔💔💔💔
Keep exposing these disgusting inhumane idiots!
First people use children for money now animals
Can we like pause the vid and get good editing software and get lisesnes plates and have cops go and arrest these idiots
Why would you do this? if you are a real animal saver you don' even do this. people who do this don't deserve to live
As a animal lover i found it really disgusting
These people should be punished for what they did
13:00 Look at this dude, he looks like a dumb freddie benson
These people are losers who have nothing else to do but abuse animals for their own enjoyment. Authorities were notified.
It says something about the adpocalypse. Small innocent channels aren't allowed to monetise because… why? Meanwhile people filming a healthy animal before and after abusing it, then saying that the injured one was the first vid, and the before video as a fake follow up to show how well it's doing since they helped it. That's perfectly fine.
You know who's the real AHOLE here? IT'S YOUTUBE FOR NOT LOOKING INTO THIS SO YEAH , YouTube if your seeing this comment then you guys are already too late.
Some people are just plain evil
I mean in wars some countries resort to injuring a dog and getting them stuck in barbed wire. So when an enemy soldier comes to help the bomb is detonated killing the soldier and the poor animal
Vietnam eat dog they're don't care about dog
it's classic psychopathic behaviour killing and hurting animals, plus they do it for views/money.
They will meet their fate one day. They should get to the deepest pit of hell. Disgusting people
it pisses me off how these people remain monetized. but if anyone curses or says anything rude they get demonetized
It's like content farms…. but for animal abuse posing as rescue 😰
Like Facebook, YouTube is ran by hypocrites. You swear, they demonitize you but if there’s someone intentionally abusing animals and fake rescuing them, they see that as okay. It pisses me off.
Thank you for bringing this to light. There are a few videos from Europe I had watched and thought, this seems fake… Thanks for the in-depth coverage.
A hurler tellement ils maltraitent et font des mises en scènes cruelles !! 😠😠
A dénoncer à Facebook !! 😠😠
Youtube banning andd stricking channel like kracc bacc but letting channel like this rent free ffs
What a sick world
I wish nothing but the worst for these evil people
Stupid countries… why this people not go to jail immidiately?