Incredible tornado! Unbelievable footage.natural disasters caught on camera. Mother Nature Angry

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Incredible tornado! Unbelievable footage.natural disasters caught on camera. Mother Nature Angry
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About the Author: Admin


  1. Nobody is angry. It’s simply Nature. The Earth has always had its changes. The Poles are also turning and this produces climatic changes. One day everything was on fire and then it got cold and everything was frozen. We are neither that powerful nor that important !!!

  2. it's God and not mother nature who is angry at all the evil in this world. so many of His children have broken His heart. if you think this is bad, just wait till he takes us faithful children home and than pours out His wrath on this earth. But you don't have to be here to witness any of it, all you have to do is repent your sins, ask God to forgive you, believe it in your heart that He is our God and he will save you from His wrath. But time is short and you have not one minute to waste before the door closes to the wedding feast and you will be separated from God and sent to the lake of fire for eternity.

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