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I was here for some entertainment, but now I realize street fights are just a sad sign of human degeneracy
3:10 Thor should’ve done something 😏
Knocked 3 built dudes out at a club a few years back. Drop the dumbbell and grab a wood axe, if you want strength. Nah you just want them ignorant chicks who only see musclets
batman showed up
The Devil's playground. These people truly need Jesus in their lives. Praying for our country.
i swear guys are pussies they call girls pussy for pulling hair but they can’t fight on their own
edit: ew girls in this video be jumping in to
how many bitches to make a fight??? LMAO Fuckin heaps!
Nothing better then seeing a loud mouth chick get knocked out
Why are the ones involved mostly blacks and Latinos?
Always that one libtard trying to make peace like it's actually gonna work.
This was all in TX?
Too much shit going on all at once to appreciate it
10:40 😳😳😳
they should have all jumped her and her boyfriend they way they did that dude
that girl looked like total trash hitting that dude like that i don't care what her reason was girls that wanna fight guys need to fight guys tbh
white girl saying the N word 5:00
Best compilation I seen in a long time
World Mother Fuckin Star cuz fr.
Do u people know how to fight alone u don't know because ur scared
What F’ing type of spray was those cops using…those chicks looked like they was fighting harder after each and every spray😂😂😂
That white girl was saying “nigga”🤣😤😤😤
That white boy went crazy😭
Takes a lot of courage to fight in front of batman
Definition of pussy when you can't fight 1 on 1.. I'm old school that's just me though
So to summarize, a lot of cheap shots and hits and kicks to the head on people already out on the ground. Why are americans such pussies?`
1:13 I love how like 6 ppl jump one dude then act all Hard? why I conceal Carry now a days.
Bro the first one i was just thinking rip the car
Them muscle ain't doing shit
Bro to the people that think having your arms up and saying calm down need to fuck off and let it play out I can't count how many times I wanna see those people get snuffed nd to the woman that scream for no reason you also are on that list of people I wanna see get knocked 💯💯
Cops be like damn he got the shit beat out of him
1:11 as soon as that white boy acted like he wanted some smoke everyone started laughing at his face 💀. Thas gotta be some emotional damage bruh
That little white girl screaming the N word. SMH
this why when I fight it's under my terms so that no one jumping in to help no one if I'm losing I'll take that but if I'm whoopin some ass ian tryna get jumped for it neither
Haaaa stupid 🙈🙈🙈🙈🍌😂
8:37 homeboy was loud but his farmer buddies and him did work. them folks caught them farmer hands no doubt
A lot of males starting fights w smaller dudes. Or jumping in. 👇 no honor
Props to the first HD, stable, not missing action fighting compilation ever!!!
I Will Go Crazy Against Them Gang's
Don't mess with country boys.
10:36 was brutal, guy in the back.
7:00 Never fear, Batman is here to save the day LOL
Why is no one talking about what the girl said
The first fight 1 v 7 really jumping someone is not tuff