Part 1 of 5 for completing Halo Wars 2’s Awakening the Nightmare campaign DLC on Legendary which will grant you the “The Ancient Enemy” achievement. “Again with the Tentacles” and “Awaken” (Heroic and any difficulty) will also unlock when Legendary is completed.
Level – What Could Go Wrong?
Difficulty – Legendary
Skulls – Pain Train, Bountiful Harvest, Emperor, Total Annihilation, Firestarter, Things That Go Booms and Sugar Cookies.
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the mission that's what I don't understand.
Harder than it looks, you need to be very precise in the beginning. Here are some tips from my play:
1. I'd recommend to focus on keeping the first 4-5 sentinel holes closed, the rest don't even matter much because they'll be coming at the scarab which you'll protect easily. It's actually easy to keep the first base alive if you keep an eye out on the first 2 holes.
2. Get 2 engineers along with the banshees into your group, it'll enable you to use the healing power on the turrets near the holes. If you'll keep the group of engineers, banshees and reavers next to your scarab, you won't need to build any more units for the rest of the game unless you'll get really unlucky.
3. Keep a spare banshee next to the 3rd minibase that you'll capture in order to restore lost turrets near the first holes or if you need to hunt down the sentinels who get too far from the holes and attack your minibases.
Thanks for the guide,