A Tampa, Florida woman is making headlines after video was released showing her fighting off a man who attacked her while she was alone in a gym
A Tampa, Florida woman is making headlines after video was released showing her fighting off a man who attacked her while she was alone in a gym
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What a sigma should be
So I guess it was a white guy
Good for her.
Donald Glover is down bad
He just wanted to play
why didnt she kick him in the nutz ? guaranteed he'd find God
Cop is big simping 😂
Yea she thought wrong 😂
The dude needs to hit those weights, build some strength idkh you get overpowered by a girl like that lol
Impressive for her, what a piece of —– that guy was, too bad the prosecutor will just let him walk 🙁
All this needs is some Benny Hill music 😂
Hope she carries mace or a gun or taser if she's working alone
Good on her but she's really lucky. This guy was clearly trying not to injure her. He was sort of gently wrestling her down, very strange.
Yo he mental
That's a dope apartment gym
I’m so glad she’s safe but for anyone reading this never I mean never let anyone in the gym. I’ve been working out my entire life and people will knock on the gym door trying to get in and I don’t care how mad they get even if they’re a member. Never let anyone in for your safety.
She was lucky he didnt kill her with a weight plate or viceversa. Thanks god she was very brave
7 percent of the population (blk men) cause 53 percent of violent crimes
The red wings have really gone down hill recently.
Jokes aside what an awesome woman, way to defend yourself and I'm glad she is ok. Hope someone local gives her free martial arts classes because of this or free gym.