Hello Youtube! When a parachute fails and you’re falling thousands of feet or kilometers, you’re very guaranteed to lose your life; nevertheless, this isn’t always the case. In the United States, there were only 13 recorded fatalities from skydiving jumps in the year 2018. While this low figure may make you breathe a sigh of relief, there’s another number that will most certainly scare you to your demise: the thousands of people who leap out of a plane every year, encounter a malfunction, and survive. This isn’t to say that skydiving accidents aren’t deadly. Today, we’ve compiled for you a list of 10 deadliest skydiving accidents caught on Camera.
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00:00 Intro
00:25 Craig Stapleton
01:42 Dan Brodsky-Chenfield
03:01 August 2019
04:11 Michael Holmes
05:16 Emma Carey
06:30 Carol Murray Rodriguez
07:12 Elijah Arranz
08:24 Mackenzie Wethington
09:29 Parachute On Fire
10:02 Laverne Everett’s Birthday
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Caught on camera???
U showed none caught on camera!!!
3:20 so she basically survived a 5000 feet jump
Some non-stock footage would have been nice!
It is perfectly safe to skydive without a parachute. I do it regularly and with no accidents to date. The secret is to aim for soft ground.
a-wry. awry.
В своей практике из 3500 прыжков с парашютом с 1977г. , имею 13 отцепок, из них 5 только за один год, экспериментировал с регулировкой строп купола. Все инструкции пишутся кровью ! Всем скайдайверам- Что б количество подъемов совпадало с количеством мягких приземлений ! 👍🪂👍🪂👍🪂
Laverne's WIG stayed on?
the narration seems a little dubious "I've made 3000 jumps in 2019 and have only had 430 malfunctions" blue skies
Strange how little footage there is of these "caught on camera" events.
Only mental ill people will jump out of a plane. They're completely suicidal and insane.
I would never in a million years gift someone a skydiving adventure. Imagine if it ended badly.
Thousands of km? That’s a big jump.
Part that got me is that … NoNe Of These Were Caught On Camera 😂😂😂
That's why DB Cooper brought two parachutes.
I would never do this crazy things
They should have bought a water bucket…
Me: Going skydiving
Also Me: Googles skydiving deaths
these guys really dropped off.
Jesus saved him
Matthew chapter 4: 5, 6 and seven.
Why is there no comments
Looks fun lol
This is scary