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About the Author: Magic Coasters


  1. There wasn't anything "graphic" about this video. But also, it seems to me that the kid who went to retrieve his hat or phone or whatever in a restricted area of the Batman ride at Six Flags over Georgia and got decapitated was more graphic than any of these. I guess because no one on the ride was hurt, it didn't make the list.

  2. Just wanted to point out that the smiler crash was caused my a regular maintenance check, and engineers putting the train on without telling anybody. It had no design flaw, but the engineers did not put water dummies into the coaster train, and that’s why it stalled. Not having cameras to see any part of the coaster is terrible, even if it is just a little bit.

  3. In the Smiler ride case, the person in charge of sending the empty car out for testing was supposed to put weighted bags full of water in each seat to mimic the weight of passengers and properly weigh down the car. There was also no communication with maintenance about the test. Also, there are tragically a lot more accidents that you could have included in this list. 😞

  4. I’ve been on the dragster when I was 7 or 8, I remember it took a few seconds from the start to get a few hundred feet in the air. That ride is insane

  5. Idk if anybody has mentioned this but the drop zone stunt tower incident is one that is horrifying because a child got ejected from his seat and even more horrifying, he landed head first so his brain matter ended up on his own mother’s shoes. The victim’s name was Joshua Smurphat

  6. I have only been once on a roller coaster and im not going if it dpesn't have the shoulder thing to make sure i'm safe. I don't trust the bar over your legs.

  7. I worked at an amusement park in Panama City Beach when I was a teenager. I was on the crew that ran a roller coaster there. It had rained all day and we weren't able to open the ride because the brakes on the track stayed wet and wouldn't stop the cars if needed. 30 minutes before the park was to close it was still drizzling rain and one of the owners of the park demanded I opened the ride so someone could ride it before closing. I did several runs without anyone on board to try and dry the brakes out, but they just wouldn't dry. My boss came again and raised hell because I still hadn't had paying customers ride it. Again, he demanded I put people on the ride no matter what. I reluctantly did. I knew I couldn't stop the cars empty, especially if it was loaded with the weight of people on it. My crew sent the first loaded train out while the second train was being loaded. I made it clear to the other guys to get the second train out before the first train got to a certain point on the track. We barely did in time. As the second train was going up the first hill, the first one came in really fast and I knew I wouldn't stop it. I closed all the hydraulic emergency brakes on the track before the terminal and I held the manual brakes closed with all my strength. That train barreled through like there were no brakes at all, caught up to the other train, and narrowly missed hitting the other train going up the hill from behind. I knew what emergency precautions to take in that situation, and I immediately hit the emergency stop on the ride and both trains came to a dead stop going up the hill. Then I had to walk all these frightened passengers one at a time down the ramp beside the track on the hill in the rain. It still haunts me knowing that people could've been killed or injured all because of my boss demanding I put people on that ride. That night after all was taken care of, I went to my boss and told him off big time. All he said was I was lucky I still had my job because if I had disobeyed him he would've fired me. Lucky? The lucky ones were the people that could've been killed on that ride. This happened over 45 years ago and I still remember it like yesterday.

  8. No the superman accident was from "negligent" employees. It was from the dude riding the coaster who yelled and threatened to sue them and the park

  9. I was in the park when the smiler crashed and i remember I didn't go to a theme park for 2 and halve years but I actually went to alton towers and u was terrified to go on any ride but I did it and I had the best day

  10. Around 1 death per 500 million riders. That was what my cousin caculated when he did a small essay about rollercoaster when he was teenager.
    Not sure what the numbers are today. Probarly similliar.
    So it's very safe to ride a rollercoaster.

    Most of the accidents in the video is due to bad maintenance, construction fault, riders not follwing the rules and sloppy staff.

  11. I’m from the uk and the smiler accident was the worst thing I ever seen remembered watching it on the news and it was so so tragic I love the Smiler I ride it every visit it’s very safe and watched closely

  12. With the Alton Towers one we went as a school trip whilest the ride was still closed and we all kinda walked passed and just look at it saying we would never go on it. The bract year it was open and we did 😢😢😢
    Never again

  13. heres a story how we became rich. so basically there was a themepark (i forgot the name)
    it wasent very big at the time (with big i mean populair). but there was a really agressive rollercoaster called the volcano. so me and my brother went on this ride and it was really fun but at the third turn disaster struck it was a really sharp turn and me and my brother were in the seats that used to be unavailable but at the time it was fixed so they thought we went trough the turn and my brothers jaw smacked against the thing that goes around your shoulder and then he fractured his jaw 2 teeth flew out that caused allot of bleeding and he didnt feel it much and my mom came and saw his face was swelled up and bleeding and my brother said he was fine but 5 minutes later he was screaming in pain so my mom called the ambulance and the police. and my mom sued the themepark and got us 565.000 dollars.

  14. Surprised the Tsunami at M&Ds didn't make the list. Derailed at 40mph. There were 10 injured with 2 severely injured. The most severely injured boy died twice at the scene but they managed to resuscitate him. He had a ridiculous list of injuries: abdominal injuries with bleeding into his chest cavity and a collapsed lung, a ruptured spleen and kidney, a broken thigh and triple pelvis fracture.

  15. Last time I was at cedar point I watched a man get decapitated at the raptor coaster. He jumped the fence to get his hat a woman's legs hit his head and took it off. I don't like roller coasters I think they scare me because they make me feel alive and I'm dying.

  16. I work automotive manufacturing maintenance. People are inperfect, mistakes happen, and equipment fails sometimes without warning. After learning that amusement park maintenance makes significantly less, I refuse to ride roller coasters. You are LITERALLY putting your life in the hands of minimum wage operators and and an underpaid maintenance crew for what? 30-120 seconds of “excitement?”

  17. My sister went on the top thrill dragster she said it wasn’t scary and the people that went with us said she had a straight face on she’s very brave the roller coaster is so strong that it shakes the amusement and you get a nice gush of wind

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