Unbelievable footage evacuation UK | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

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Two pubs were among several buildings flooded in downtown York when a nearby river burst its banks as heavy rain hit the country.
The country was flooded with rain and strong winds overnight, with the Met Office issuing a yellow weather warning until 5:00 p.m. today for much of southwest England and Wales, as well as Herefordshire and Shropshire.

Houses were left without electricity and cars were stuck as floods hit parts of England and Wales after heavy rain.
Stunned residents report seeing raw sewage running down roads, and shocking photos show the aftermath of heavy rainstorms.

The UK has been hit by torrential rains that have caused pubs to flood, cars to sink underwater and sewage to run down the streets. Many homes were left without electricity and cars were stuck due to flooding in parts of England and Wales.
This comes after the Met Office issued a yellow weather warning due to “continued heavy rainfall” in parts of Wales and South West England.
The UK’s National Weather Service said some areas at higher elevations could see 70-90mm or more of rainfall, with downpours potentially flooding property and causing power outages.
The Met Office said wet and windy conditions will continue to prevail as the British enter the weekend, thanks in large part to the location of the jet stream.
“This continues as new low-pressure systems deepen and head in from the west.
“It will remain windy, especially with some strong gusts in the west, and these lows will continue to bring flashes of rain and downpours into the weekend.”

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About the Author: Admin


  1. Вот эта дааа!!! Это гнев Всевышнего Аллаха,,, ищо побольше поддерживаете Украину,, Европу Стёрлит лица земли,,, да. Аллах Велик, и очень терпимо , ,Конец Европу,,, Аллах начал злиться, все это уже нет прощения. Астагфируллох

  2. اللهم احفظنا وارحمنا من الناس الماذيه احنا ناس ضعيفة وفقيره والشيعة اذتنا بتقرير كيدي بصيدله مستنصريه واتاذت امي مريضة زهايمر وتعبانه كلش ومقعده بسبب نفاق الناس اذونا الشيعة واني اخذت الشيعة ١٥سنه أعادت تعين وتاذيت بسبب النفاق واحنا نخاف من الشيعة والايرانين ياذونا حرام عليكم تنافقون علينا تركونا بحالنا

  3. Средства нужны на предотвращение катастроф! А почему то эти средства направлены на разжигание войн.. последствия очевидны…наводнения…пожары…и вообще…..!!!! Существует такое понятие – БУМЕРАНГ!!!!!

  4. Туда. Великобритании. И. Дорога. Жалко. Простых людей. И. Животных.А. Их. Вся. Элита. Захлебнулась. Бы. В. ОКЕАНЕ. Сатани́нские. УРОДЫ!!!!!!!

  5. А что Великобритания,там заправила Академия Королевства ,предводилрй явл.сама Уолева,что и правит и манипулирует всеми странами в том числе и Всеми Президента то Ф со времён ещё 1917 годами кого надо утопить в нечистотах то?

  6. Зло возвращается,а животные страдают за грехи людей! И вообще,за грех человека страдает вся земля от начала, от дней, начиная от Адама и до наших дней!

  7. Pedem pra china parar de polui com CO na atmosfera. Eles representam 30% das emissão globais, o Estados Unidos 20%, mas a corja Internacional culpam o Brasil cuja emissão é menos de 3%.

  8. TALVEZ a ciência aprenda, que não é do jeito deles . Falam em falta de água. Olha aí muitas águas …DEVERIAM PARAR DE FUSSAR E EXPLODIREM OS CÉUS!

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