3 STEPS to LEVEL UP the differences when attacked in a street fight. This week we discuss the right mindset and psychology of …
3 STEPS to LEVEL UP the differences when attacked in a street fight. This week we discuss the right mindset and psychology of …
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he should have thrown a match after them for good measure…😎 but it was enough to scare them of annyway… verry funny
While I like the advice, it would be nice to see the results of the encounters shown in your videos.
Thank u love watch u all ,learning
They do realize that the anwar thumbnail was a comedy skit right?
Street fights are never fair, it's a street fight!
They brought bare hands to a gas hose fight. I love that video!
Absolutely fantastic video. I think this is best one I've seen on this channel. Of course, it's difficult to think quickly, but imagining scenarios (without becoming paranoid!) where you are unprepared or outmatched and thinking what you would do can really help. One thing I would add is that attackers often capitalise on your initial fear for advantage. Sometimes the best time to act is immediately and violently, simply to put them on the back foot.. but of course this is always context dependent. The great and unfortunate thing about combat is that some random sh*t happens.
Surprise you're all flammable.
This is why to be a bodybuilder.Not too many guys will think they can dominate you.I knew that from age 14.
Dude @3:52 counting his cash on the sidewalk. Sheer stupidity.
I wish the guy in petrol station had a lighter to throw at them after he soaked them with petrol
That’s why I carry my HK VP9 with two 15 round magazines.
Great videos and content, Dr. Philips. Just a question; is there a reason you guys don't show the whole street fight clips in these videos while commenting? Would've been interesting to see the clips in their entirety with commentary!
Very good and important video,
Weaponize anything available is great advice😁
Almost like everyone we see in this comment section we would all want around in a situation like these.back me up bro lol
Can we please admire the accuracy of the guy with the gas hose?
Dude said we all burning up today!
If there’s 4-6 of them back out the Rambo and swing it like the infinity symbol
Master Ken says that you allways must use lethal force.
Who is Geoff, his name was "Jeff" Cooper. He has got quite the story in modern pistol shooting and IPSC and the 10mm Auto, and he would be cancelled today for his fascist and racist "conservative" views.
does ji jitsu work in a street fight?
I read about spraying a lowlife with gasoline in a military self-defense manual. I would do it in a second if need be and feel no guilt. And I do carry a lighter!
Man he sprayed inside the van too. One spark would have been armageddon
That's right!! You go buddy! Hose 'em down!
My kingdom for a match !
i love how these pro's talking about street fights…. there is either hit first and clear or take the beating there is no in between… unless you're a pro like them
Word! Totally truth. Thanks for your content.
Gas pump funny as hell.
I would have liked to see petrol hose guy throw a lit Zippo at the fleeing vehicle
It doesn't exists anything FAIR in a street fight I believe so, then we have to cheat too…And be unfair to be successful…
level up = shoot first = simple
Oddly enough, this video takes me back to my Driver's Ed class years ago when the instructor drilled into everyone's mind to "Identify, Predict, Decide and Execute"…it pretty much applies to everything.
I know a guy who inhaled some gas while siphoning. Damn near killed him. All three of them would have serious issues..
But that's the price of crime.
No real fight is ever a fair fight…. everything becomes a weapon, shield, or obstacle.
If you want a fair fight, take karate and go to a tournament.
Keep filming, I'll keep watching.