Extreme & devastating climbing accidents while free soloing! These are the most dangerous cliffs & challenging rock climbs that ended in horrible, massive injuries.
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Voiceover by Carl Mason: carlito1705@icloud.com
Full attributions available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqy1xmk0l93ww0j/When%20Free%20Soloing%20Goes%20Wrong.txt?dl=0
#freesolo #rockclimbing #climbing
Would you rather free solo the house/building you live in or hold your hand in a pit of fire ants for 30 minutes?
Dan Osman?
No sympathy for these guys. Roll the dice with your life for a rush is dumb asf.
The flatirons are on an angle that can practically be walked up, but there are routes that require advanced skills. I dare these thrill seekers to free ascend the more difficult routes in boulder canyon.
Never understood free soloing. It’s asking for trouble which will appear out of nowhere
Who is the girl in the thumbnail? Is this a real photo?
Junkies killed themselves chasing the next fix. Nothing more than addicts. What a pity for their loved ones to have to suffer the selfish deaths of these junkies.
i now dumb watch wrist fart so me fa!
They deserve it
In every case, these guys were killed by ego and incompetence
This is why men die younger than women. 😅
Go Team Darwin!
The heights of adrenaline are difficult to match by the falls of earth
i still am in awe of why?
None of the above!
None of the above, thank you!
Three words white people shit
like watching a special selection of the darwin awards
This is s language I don't understand
Alain robert just bought his son to do it. Oh, dear, god.
Breaking your ribs I've heard is very painful. That one climber broke 8 of his ribs after he fell. Yikes!
Free soloing was known and popular in alot of mainstream outlets before free solo documentary.
How to survive? Use a rope
2:34 Why beautiful women are attracted by ugly shityheads ?
Darwin Warriors.
Natural selection
I'm way less scared by the effects or the reprots and way more angry at the vain audacity of these people.
Free soloing goes wrong as soon as you think it's a good idea to do it😉
The one law we must all obey. Gravity.
I laugh at their stupidity…
been a climber for 23 years. i can assure you that free soloing is not reserved for the sport's elite; it is reserved for the sport's most stupid.
Any sports that require the use of hospitals or emergency care PAID BY CITIZENS for so call normal circumstances should be deemed illegal unless the individual has insurance to cover ALL the expenses. Citizens should not pay for foolishness. The health system has received a load of burden from careless practices. The system is careless to have permitted so many activities to be practiced without using their brains of the cost it would be incur on the health care system. Governments are all guilty.
Merry Xmas 💀 2022 ho ho ho
Climbing is dangeroues even with safety…
The back ground carpentry shop noise drives me nuts . Well I am nuts, it drives me more nuts.
Fun fact: people who don't climb don't know the difference between free climbing and free soloing
If you don't win Gold medal (no mistakes) you die. That's the essence of free soloing. You can tell these are stupid people, but I personally think they just play with their OWN Life, not putting at risk anyone else. Not like those who drink and drive…
Free soloing: another form of suicide, just more elegant.
Moloney fell from 15ft
I remember climbing four stories of a fire escape in our apartment building. I can't believe I free soloed.
I'll take the trails instead 😂
It cracks me up when narrators try to emphasize height ect by comparing it to some random other object absolutely nobody has any idea of either. "He fell almost 50 feet,thats like falling the distance of 25 polar bear penises laid end to end." The only reason anyone knows you'll die falling off the Hollywood sign is from trying it on GTA5.
you are so right, even though I knew Hannold did it, I was tense the whole time and wishing he never tries anything like that again.
One thing Alex Honnold has bright to light is how professional climbers are so careful and calculating when free soloing. So many think it's only a matter of time for him to fall and die. There are many who are still alive and no longer free solo. A huge majority of free soloists did not die while free soloing. They died doing another highly dangerous sport, close proximity wing suit flying, rope jumping, etc. Considering Alex is not a thrill seeker, I bet he will be just fine and retire from free soloing.