![10 TRUE SCARY STORIES [Compilation Vol. 31]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/10-TRUE-SCARY-STORIES-Compilation-Vol-31-818x490.jpg)
*Time Table / Story Credits:
Story 1 (00:15) by u/LostInThePine [r/LetsNotMeet]
Story 2 (12:35) by Grendel’s Rage
Story 3 (18;01) by L J
Story 4 (20:48) by Gabe H.
Story 5 (26:29) by Kolby
Story 6 (32:17) by Deol
Story 7 (36:44) by BD 12
Story 8 (39:33) by u/zentini [r/LetsNotMeet]
Story 9 (45:54) by u/Banluil [r/LetsNotMeet]
Story 10 (50:11) by u/home4thanksgiving [r/LetsNotMeet]
TL;DR Stay the fuck out of Alachua, Florida rest stops from LetsNotMeet
*Submit YOUR Scary Story or Experience Here: UNIT522Stories@outlook.com
(Twitter): https://twitter.com/Uncle_UNIT
(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/uncleunit/
*INTRO by Strawberry Nightmare
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/StrawberryNightmare
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sberrynightmare
Email: strawberrynightmareart@gmail.com
*OUTRO ARTWORK by YeahManProductions
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/YeahManTV
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YeahManTV
DeviantArt: http://yeahmanproductions.deviantart.com/
“End of days” by CO .AG Music (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA)
OUTRO:”There’s always a reason to be afraid” by Myuu
bro dropped this on ny 16th birthday
Uncle Unit you gave us 10 reason to be cautious and very afraid

Of course the first story is in ohio
pro tip… the second you drop “satanists” or “satanic rituals”, it immediately becomes lame… The people suing for abortion rights did this? at least try. This isn’t year 1850 and nobody is afraid of “Satanic rituals” anymore…
Wow. It was hard to write this even harder to listen. Thank you for reading this.
What is this thing called candy it is a sex toy for kids in the bath I live in the UK I never herd of candy but I love sweets
down in ohio swag like ohio
Your rock uncle unit
Do you have any stories about Bohemian Grove?
What kind of shipping crate can trap you like a cage?
Oh yeah i love this niceee
Min. 11:21 "friends of the cars were texting back and forth trying to make a plan"…. Why didn't they just call
Please do vol 32
Old stories
Laity is right outside of strake first.
dude one time i was in my garage doing laundry, had just finished swapping loads, and started to head back into the house and i was about 5-6 ft away from the door, and the door knob just started violently shaking as if someone was desperate to get inside the garage.
and it really scared me because i was the ONLY one home. so after a momentary pause of shock i busted through the door ready to fight off an invader, and not a single person was in my house and i searched everywhere. and i mean everywhere. nothing in the house had been touched, moved, nor stolen. not a sign anybody was in the house, all doors were still locked.
The story about the evil biker guy and what he did to him and Thomas made my heart completely shatter into a million pieces!! So horrible what they went through and that their friend was murdered.

Cheers Unit, just what I needed!!
The policeman had his reasons for saying "you know kids, they make stuff up". He was probably trying to downplay the situation to keep the father from taking justice in his own hands, or creating a neighborhood posse situation while the police looked for the guy. They couldn't arrest him as he hadn't really committed a crime. But they could run him away from the park. Since the kids never saw him again that's probably what happened. I know kids disappeared from elsewhere and the kidnapper could've been that guy but unless a creeper actually tries to take you there's not much police can do to a person for being weird and creepy.
First story be like: there are a number of hells church stories in Ohio
Nick Offerman??
10 stories with about 73 adverts in between!
So, no one is going to mention the "excuse gentleman we already called the police," so going to have to politely suggest you get out of here, guy lol.
Excellent stories! I loved them!!!
Hells church in Batavia ohio
You definitely deserve more subs. Your stories are scarier than any other narration channels! Keep it up.
every time
bro you said a bad word
NOWHERE in Ohio is “country”
Rad video
Did one of the stories involve sexual assault of a nine-year-old boy? I must’ve missed the trigger warning, I couldn’t be their parent I will go to jail and hell

I live in Palatka 40 minutes or so from hawthorn, it's just ass bad as described
It's florida
I missed out on this one!
length of video is 5555, angel number
Cool stories but repeats hopefully we'll get some new stuff soon
did he say ohio
As soon I heard Ohio I knew something bad was gonna happen
I'm from Southern Ohio, so I'm kinda wondering where this took place besides Cincy?!?? Anyone have an ideas cuz I wanna go check it out
Love these videos

Psychologist opinion of story 1:
It wasn't that everyone was creeped out more than they would admit. It was just OP that was scared. (When people state things like "you're probably more scared than you'd admit", it's because they were/are terrified. This is a ploy to cope with their own feelings of inadequate courage.
It was a good story but it scared OP still to this day that she had to assign feelings of fear to the other people to help cope with her own fear.
I would curious to hear about her past trauma that triggers this kind of fear in her over something she described as "looked like teenagers trying to perform a satanic ritual". It sounds as if her fear was instilled in her at a young age by a person with strong Christian beliefs.
As soon as southern Ohio was mentioned, I instantly agreed on it being real.
why ohio
Best Voice out there, thnx bud!
It's only natural to get excited when uncle Unit uploads a new video
love ur narrations unit much love
First thing I here is southern OHIO
I always ♥️ your stories
Hi thank you for the stories