What is the difference between a tornado and a hurricane? And what about typhoon? First, let’s get it straight: all these weather phenomena have to do with strong winds. Not my-umbrella-got-torn-from-my-hands strong, mind you, but rather my-house-got-blown-away-to-the-Land-of-Oz kind of thing. Yet before we get to the actual difference between hurricanes and typhoons, we must understand that they’re one and the same thing called a tropical cyclone.
If you live in moderate or colder climates, there’s nothing for you to worry about, even if your house is right by the seaside, because you’ll only hear about cyclones from the news. After all, they’re called tropical for a reason: they only form in tropical or subtropical areas, because they need warm water to get things going.
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Why a tropical cyclone is dangerous 0:40
A tropical depression 1:47
A tropical storm 2:29
Hurricane or typhoon? 2:50
But what about tornadoes? 3:50
The safest place of a tornado 5:12
How powerful a hurricane could be:
– Category 1 6:35
– Category 2 7:02
– Category 3 7:24
– Category 4 7:53
– Category 5 8:26
#Hurricane #Tornado #brightside
– A tropical cyclone is a huge mass of clouds that gather in the sky and start rotating counter clock-wise due to very low air pressure.
– Cyclones occur much more often than you think! But only few of them grow large and strong enough to become hurricanes or typhoons.
– The weakest version of a tropical cyclone is called a tropical depression. It’s a similar swirling mass of clouds, usually accompanied by storms, but the force of winds in it is not very high.
– When the winds are stronger than 39 mph, the cyclone is then called a tropical storm. This is a more serious threat, and you’ll do well to hide inside your house because gusts of wind might reach 72 mph.
– And only if the wind gets even more powerful than that, then it can be called a hurricane or a typhoon.
– If a severe tropical cyclone with wind speeds of over 75 mph occurs in the North Atlantic or North-East Pacific, it’s called a hurricane. If it’s in the North-West Pacific, then it’s a typhoon.
– We hear more about hurricanes than typhoons because the Atlantic Ocean is warmer than the Pacific, and warm water acts like a fuel for cyclones.
– Tornadoes can form almost anywhere they please, both over sea and over land. But there’s much more to it than that.
– A tornado is a swirling funnel of air coming down from the sky. It appears during thunderstorms, and it’s rather a consequence than a reason for severe weather.
– But despite its terrible power, a tornado is a very local event, and short-lived at that. The biggest one ever registered by scientists was just over 1.5 mi in diameter and lasted about an hour or so.
– The center, in its turn, is usually calm and windless — so calm, in fact, that it’s almost creepy. It’s called the eye of the tornado or the hurricane, and it’s basically the safest place to be when the phenomenon comes to you.
– There are 5 categories of hurricanes according to the National Weather Service. Category 1 is just slightly more intense than a tropical storm, and in some countries it’s still considered as such.
– Category 2 is another story altogether. The wind blows at speeds of up to 109 mph, and that’s where the real trouble starts.
– When a hurricane grows to Category 3, it’s already a disaster. First of all, it’s big. Secondly, it’s powerful. The winds are reaching 129 mph, and catching such a gust is like being hit with a race car.
– A Category 4 major hurricane is something you don’t want to see with your own eyes. With gusts of wind up to 157 mph, it can tear trees from the ground and hurl fairly large objects in the air, causing lots of damage.
– And finally, a Category 5 major hurricane is a thing to be avoided at all costs. In other classifications it’s even called a super typhoon or a super cyclonic storm, which says a lot.
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Hey there, BrightSiders! What’s the country with the best climate, in your opinion?
The cyclone in my home New Zealand bought me here.
Are bhai harricane cyclone typhoons same hai
Im in oaklahoma and a tornado formed😮
We call typhoons Cyclones in Australia and New Zealand.only Asia use Typhoon as the names for their tropical storms.
This video is helpful because I wanted to know the difference
hats off to the animator!!
typhoons, cyclones, and hurricanes are same.
Why are the hurricane represented with funnel clouds..?
A hurricane and a tornado will become a TYPHOON
My thought : atlantic ocean Colder than pacific
I have seen the eye of a hurricane
wait Florence Was not The biggest storm in the years it was Irma,also you said "a couple of years Ago" For the names that's wrong Because it started in 1979
Tornado Dorian: i would like to eat breakfast homes and cars also tree
mr smiley be like: im just going to copy and past wikipedia and post it Also you sure its neccasary to brag all u know when the video clearly says just to tell about what they are
I was in new orleans when hurricane Katrina strike the place .wow the storm surge was 12-20 feet high .luckily i evacuated there at midnight when katrina was about to make landfall
I used to see hurricane last year in September and there was like a strong air my room was flooding under the ground where the water comes that was so scary I'm joking it was real there was like news about the hurricane but it stopped I'm fine
This is wildly incorrect.
October there was a cyclone in Chittagong
I was in a tornado in Dallas or a place close to it it ended up going over and I am safe now
We actually have more typhoons than hurricanes each year
No let me show you what the actual wind speeds are….
Category 1 hurricane: 74-95mph (Minimal)
Category 2 hurricane: 96-110mph (Destructive)
Category 3 hurricane: 111-129mph(Highly Destructive)
Category 4 hurricane: 130-156 mph (Devastating)
Category 5 hurricane : 157+ mph (Insane)
The eye of the hurricane is a super deep bright red 🌀🌀🌪️
5:10 sample
What is cyclone
Hurricane Ian: I have to go to Tornado valley Cuz I live there because I’m a tornado HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
My fafrote is tornado
I have been through a tornado watch before and my house got hit badly
The witherstom
Well considering if you live at sea level on the coast during a hurricane. Don't have people with cellars on or even near the coast. The main thing to worry about besides a tree falling on your house, is water, flooding, and storm surge. If you live near a river you also have to worry. You do have to worry about tornadoes but they aren't long and strong but quick spin ups.
Since i was born the eye of one of the strongest hurricane in the world was in my city our house was flooded and our neighbors came to shelter in the secon floor of our house.
Btw the storm was called Typhoon Haiyan
Hurricane Rivan
Cyclone Rumasa
Tornado Me
Tornado went real
Bro its cycloning in my country. Chill😖😖. Its called Sitrang in Bangladesh. Help😷😷😷
I am not sure if it is a misconception. The fact that this video keeps on using a tornado as illustration for hurricane and typhoon is utter confusing. Hurricane does not looks like that. Just search on other videos and you will see…