Look What Happens When a Huge Dam Is Opened!

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Nature is an amazing force that has been maintaining order and harmony on our planet for millions of years. Even the most insignificant element of nature has its meaning and purpose.
Take, for example, rivers: they cross all existing continents and help people survive since prehistoric times. Rivers are a source of drinking water and food. Without them, it would be impossible to irrigate the land and carry people and goods from one settlement to another.
Nevertheless, in order to live safely near deep rivers, we have to make certain interventions. For example, since ancient times, people were building dams on the waterways to adjust the flow of water.
Today, we will tell you how the dams work and show you the terrifying consequences caused by mistakes in their design. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7oBV3i6tUGi8keEfNQx3Bg


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About the Author: BRAIN TIME


  1. Oraville dam had a rock quarry next door, as the rock quarry blasted a seam the dam spillway collapsed on the same seam. Never blast rock when your neighbor is a spillway..

  2. uninformed presentation with too many errors – main reason to build dams is not to prevent floods but to harness water in reservoirs for urban consumption, industry and hydro electricity – thumbs down

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