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About the Author: GeoBeats Animals


  1. Vets always guess that a cat that isn't a kitten is like 3 years old no matter the age. When we adopted our boy, the vet guessed 3 years but he kind of grew a little so we adjusted his age from 3 to 1 when we adopted. He'll be 5 soon! It goes by so fast. We had a cat that lived to be 15 years old which I had no idea that cats could live that long because I had always had outdoor cats which don't live as long as indoor kitties (for obvious reasons). I'm glad that Uno found you.

  2. My black stray cat adopted us 3 years ago. He sleeps on my laptop when I work. He brings me his plastic spiral cat toy and then meow for me to throw it. Then he brings it back and meow. Self thought fetch. Black cat are amazing. Please adopt dont buy!😊

  3. Lovely cat. Have a black and white cat now .Love them. My third black cat had a cat in between that was ginger. He was very iold so only lived a couple of months. When the spring comes i am going to take a walk with here in Sweden . Black cats are the best.

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