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The way the dad looks at his daughter after she broke the glass🤣🤣🤣
Ооо , негр
People who let cats walk on surfaces meant for food (Counters, dining table, etc.) are disgusting.
Dear Fail Army – people slip on wet or icy steps. We get it. We love your videos, but come on.
Must be desperate for content with all the people falling down icy stairs.
4:16 image how the fish felt
Do people check the weather?
3:33 i love how they both end up having the same facial expression 😀
That def not vegetable burrito. He's lying to those animals
4:04 and you know how painful it is for the fish before it lost it's life !
1:43 – When the handbrake does not work, the board under the wheel does an excellent job 😂
Why aren't any of these morons holding onto the railings on their own snow-covered steps?
Great reflexes!
Shitty situational awareness!
Eine Frage für eine Wette: Hat jemand eine Ahnung wie viele Leute in den letzten drei Jahren auf einer Eingangstreppe im Winter ausgerutscht sind?
4:52 winter vs summer (paws) 😋
02:32 and thats how i meet your mother
6:33 so cute
I live in New England and I have never had snow in my engine like this poor guy.
Kids messing with food isn’t a fail