This snake was doomed! Rare animal fights caught on camera

This snake was doomed! Rare animal fights caught on camera
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There’s no place for politeness and good manners in the animal world. Animals have to fight for their lives every single day, and they are ready to do virtually anything in order to get food or protect their offspring. Today you’ll get to see some rare animal fights that got caught on camera.
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About the Author: Admin


  1. You mistake a cormorant for a duck and a leopard for a lion………… The Harpy Eagle having a go at the sloth is a juvenile, and probably not experienced enough yet to be effective.

  2. Nice video!
    Does it annoy anyone else, besides me, when people on t.v. or videos say "We'll see back here tomorrow"(or "next time" )? I mean I'M NOT THERE NOW, NOR HAVE I EVER BEEN 'THERE'! AND YOU CAN'T SEE ME NOW (Unless they have the Magical ICU2 TV SET that
    J. P. PATCHES used to have on his show during the 1960s & '70s)(He used it to see who was having a birthday, and EVERY DAY would end it saying "And there's Bobby out there! Bobby is 36 today!")

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