Real Ghost Videos channel, you will find Real Ghost Videos They are a selection of videos of convincing ghosts. New material of Real Ghost Videos that you wont find easily on the web.
Real Ghost Video 1. In one of the houses of Almaty in Kazajztan, strange paranormal phenomena have been recorded at night. The family of this baby who monitored her at night, found that some shadows hovered around her crib and the baby seemed to interact with them.
After these images were discovered, the family moved immediately.
Some think they are entities, others believe they are angels because the shadows that are appreciated, are light colored.
Real Ghost Video 2. I want to present to you this video shared in 2015 by a very convincing youtuber from Cali, Colombia and that managed to capture a very strange shadow …
Real Ghost Video 3. Video surveillance camera in Ecuador manages to record the shadow of a goblin crossing a road.
Real Ghost Video 4. Supernatural origin or simply strange and inexplicable.
Like this man who seems to be walking between cars on a road and at times seems to disappear.
It was shot in front of Coto Diana, which is a residential area in Jalisco, Mexico. This video is known as the ghost of Zapopan.
Real Ghost Video 5. This was recorded in an old church in Glasgow, Scotland .. and highlights the appearance of the face of a woman in one of the stained glass …
According to the author of the video, it is not any woman, but the Princess Diana … see that in other shot, the face does not appear in the stained glass …
If you are looking for other photos of the same stained glass of the Govan Old Church .. In some it is not very clear, but definitely does not appear the same face …
Real Ghost Video 6. Unfortunately we do not have any information about this video. We suppose it was recorded in a pub somewhere in England.
We can see a strange light that does not seem to correspond to the movement of the camera, which discards it as a luminous reflection on this …
Poor baby I hope the baby is okay
Amazing Video but the third one was a little Duck and the fourth was a walking human but the other look real…