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This baby we save hime from the farmer at the rural village they are so poor but they all the wild animals and also they don’t know how to pet the animal keep the baby sick many day a go, On the weaken I went to visit my homeland at the rural and than I saw the baby very pity I try ask hime from the farmer and their family to pet as my relative.
Thank You!
Saving baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P0_0K5AJ48
Don’t be so rough, he is hungry
Удавите крысу, мало у вас этой гадости обитает? 🤢
This. Poor. Baby. Is. Dying. Feed. Him
Look at him, so starved. So pathetically hungry that he grabs the capsule … he can smell the dope & pushes it away! He’s not even swallowing it, as hungry as he is …. Ram it down his throat, as ever so gently as you are! Abuser!
BB Monkey needs rescue before dying….BB monkey needs last rites now…..🙏🙏🙏🙏✝✝✝✝☠☠☠☠
Why are you mean,be kind and feed the baby some food and love
Какая "нежная" хозяйка!?
Долечила до смерти.
Possibile che non c'è difesa per queste povere scimmiette??? È terzo mondo li??????
Che vergogna e che orrore!!!! Individuo senza anima ne cuore……
Oh mein gott,was ist auch mit dem Äffchen passiert?
Да он жрать хочет хватает все подряд зачем лекарство дайте молока он сильно истощен😣
It's dying, you've killed it!! Poor little guy is beyond food
Доведут до истощения,а потом лечат на камеру,садисты,извращенцы.
If there rightful mothers don't want them they should be left where they are found. They are wild animals people!!!!
Your not saving it. Your torturing it. Jesus may you suffer alike you make others suffering from horrific abuse
Resued from your own backyard. This baby is literally dying and you're still abusing him. You have no soul the way you treat these animals . No patients at all. No food just drugs and torture. Damn Shame .
Jadnicak mali ❤️
Didn't work cause medicine to big clogged syringe I bite u too
Pobre animalito…se está muriendo…..ya no tiene ni aliento.. de moverse
Honestly Muster, engage your brain can give that poor wee soul some food, something in its stomach before you force feed it medicine. It’s starving. You are coming across as being extremely cruel. I’ve only watched three of your videos, I will watch no more.
Animal ubusers
"Залюбили" до смерти макашонка. 🙊⚰️👵👨👩👧👦🕊️
How can you rescue your own prisoner you nazi… This is AUSCHWITZ for monkeys…
Сдохнуть пора бы этой падали омерзительной дустом засыпать и в яму выгребную сбросить этот кусок дерьма шевелящийся
Stolen baby
Starved and abused just to video and make money
Wow😲 first tortured them 🥵 then fake rescue 😡🤬u guys are cruel heart less people criminal mind
He doesnt want that gees. Hes pucbing it away. Thay means he doesnt want it! Stop forcing it!